Namjoon (Angst)

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So this is my first time writing an angst so I'm sorry if it isn't the best. This was requested by Blahblahblessyou .

Y/n was having a hard time dealing with end of the year exams and her overprotective boyfriend. Late that night Y/n was studying for her exam when her boyfriend Namjoon busted through the door.

"Y/N!" Namjoon yelled. Y/n put her books down and walked to the living room. "What in the hell do you want?" She yelled back. "Why haven't you been answering my texts?" His jaw clenched.

"Because Im to busy studying for my exams. I don't have time to text you." Y/n turned around and before she could go back to studying namjoon grabbed her wrist and spun her around.He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I should be your number one priority not your exams." He yelled in her face. Y/n started to get tears in her eyes. "NO YOURE NOT! PASSING SCHOOL IS MY ONLY PRIORITY! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Y/n yelled back in his face.

"You never let me do anything! I can't go out with my friends! I can't go more than an hour from texting or calling you! Now you're not even gonna let me pass my damn exams because you think you're more important than my grades!" Y/n broke down. Namjoon saw tears falling from y/n's eyes and it broke him.

Namjoon bent down by y/n's side. "Look, Im sorry. I just... I just worry to much. My last relationship wasn't the best for me and I shouldn't have yelled at you. I didn't realize how overprotective i was." Y/n looked up at him and wiped her tears. "I forgive you. But I can't do this anymore." She hung her head low.

"What do you mean you cant? Are you leaving me?" Y/n wiped her tears once again "Yes, Im leaving you." Namjoons eyes widened and tears started to form. "Y/n please ... please don't leave me. I can't do this without you . I need you. I love you." He pleaded. But y/n had already made up her mind.

Namjoon tried to fight back the tears as much as possible but failed. He finally decided to leave. Namjoon got up and started walking towards the door and Y/n looked up and watched as he walked away hoping he would turn around but he just walked right out the door. The tears continuously fell down her face as she lost the only person who cared for her.

*2 weeks later*

"CONGRATULATIONS Y/N!" Your friends congratulated you as you passed your final exams. "Thank you guys!" Y/n jumped up and down in excitement. "Come on we are definitely celebrating for this" y/n friend Mina said. They all left and went to a near by bar. "To y/n!" They all cheered . Everyone downed their drink except for y/n. She wasn't much of a drinker.

All her friends were partying and having fun while y/n was sitting in the corner drinking water. She looked around to see all the people dancing but this one person caught her attention. She looked closer and saw it was Namjoon. He was looking in her direction also. He slowly began to walk closer to where y/n was sitting and y/n became a nervous wreck. Soon namjoon was standing right in front of her and then was just an awkward tension between the two.

Finally he broke the tension " Congrats on you exam scores." He said while taking a seat next to you. Your heart began to speed up. "T-thanks ." You finally got the courage to speak up. "Want to go outside where it's quieter so we can talk?" He stood up extending his hand towards me and honestly I wanted to leave anyways. "Sure, let's go." You took his hand and he guided you through the crowd and out the front doors.

You two made it outside where it wasn't as loud. "Y/n , i need to talk to you about something ." Namjoon looked down at his hands. "What is it?"

"I want to apologize for previous events." Y/n already knew where this was going so she just let him continue. "I want to apologize again and I know an apology won't help , but mean it. I know you won't forgive me but I'm sorry." Tears started to build up in the corner of his eyes. Y/n started to walk away. "Wait ! Please let me at least say how I'm feeling. Let me get this off my chest and I'll leave you alone... for good." She stopped in her steps "Fine, say it."

"Y/n" Namjoon looked up at her. " Ever since we got into that argument and you left me . I didn't know what to do with my life. Everyday I wake up and the first thing I think about is you.  I miss holding your hand , kissing you , hanging out with you , I miss being with you. I'm sorry for being over protective. My last relationship ended because the girl cheated on me and the last thing I wanted was it to happen again. I'm sorry for getting in your face and screaming at you , I'm sorry for not letting go out with you friends, and I'm sorry I didn't let you focus on your exams. Please y/n... please forgive me."

Y/n listening to what he has to say " Namjoon" he looked up at her. " I forgive you" His eyes widened with surprise  "Really?".  She nodded her head yes. "Thank you for forgiving me. Can we please start over? Or try our relationship again?" Y/n thought about it . "We can try the relationship again but under one condition"

"Anything" He said. "Promise me you let me have more freedom and won't be to protective of me like last time." Y/n held out her pinky. "I promise" He wrapped his pinky around hers.l and a smile grew across his face. "I wanna go home" y/n said stretching her arms out. " let's go home then."

Y/n and Namjoon arrived at her house. Y/n went to go get something to drink and Namjoon say down on the couch. All of a sudden Namjoon heard a loud noise in the kitchen . He ran as possible to see what had happened. When he got in there y/n was passed out on floor. "Y/N! Y/N!" He shook her trying to wake her up. Namjoon got his phone and dialed 911. "Hello. What your emergency?" The woman asked . " My girlfriend she passed out and she's not waking up." Namjoon was panicking. "We are sending an ambulance to you le location" . Namjoon hung up and waited beside y/n till the ambulance got there.

Y/n please wake up

Okay this was my first angst. I might make a part two of yall want one. Hope you all enjoyed!! 1174 words

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