Promise pt.2 (Jungkook)

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Guess who finally decided to do the next part...

Jungkook left and your world went empty again.

Will he hate me for what I said?

You walk back to the couch and pick up your diary, holding it close to you chest, and sigh. "What should I do? Should I try and call him and apologize?" You started getting overwhelmed knowing he has read your diary and now knows how you truly feel about him. As you lie there, you can't help the feeling of wanting to call him and explain yourself, but he promised he would come back and talk about everything with you. Their is no telling when that'll be but it'll give you time to collect your thoughts and be ready.

*1 week later*

You wake up to a knock on the door, you throw on a shirt and walk to the door and ask "who is it?" At first it's silence so you ask again. "Who is it?" but before you can get your sentence out you hear a voice on the other side of the door say "It's me jungkook." You open the door and see jungkook on the other side with a big smile on his face, which quickly turned into a blushing face. Before you could say anything he interrupted "Y/n, you don't have any pants on....again." You panic and run to your room and quickly changed. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't expecting to see you here!" He laughed and walked over to the couch.

"What do you mean? I have a promise to keep." As he sat down. The promise had slipped your mind.

"Oh my god I'd completely forgot about our promise! I'm so sorry" You panicked

He laughed "it's fine, but I do wanna pick up where we left off last time I was here." Your face turned bright red. You didn't think he would remember , honestly you'd hope he'd forgotten about it. "Are you sure? We can just forget it happened and move on?" You jokingly laughed. But you could see he was serious about it. So you walked over and sat by him on the couch.

"Tell me y/n, why do you like me?"

I was wrong no amount of time could have prepared me for this.

You started getting shaky and nervous. "We'll, you have been my friend for a really long time, since we were kids. I trust with with my life, and with my heart." Jungkook seemed really interested in what you were saying. "I hate when you leave, I want to be with you through everything, and I want you to be the person I have my side forever." You cover your face in embarrassment. "I'm sorry if I have made things weird between us, I really didn't want to tell you because I valued our friendship too much."  Jungkook went silent.

Oh no, I've ruined everything! He'll never want to be around me again.

Tears started forming in your eyes. "Y/n" he paused "You don't have to apologize for anything. I'm glad you shared your feelings with me." He pulled your hand away from your face. "So, nothing is going to change between us?" He smiled "No, of course not." He pulled you in for a hug. "I feel the same way a about you." A shocked expression ran across your face. You pulled away from the hug and pure shock. Jungkook smiled and stood up "I've always liked you y/n, and just like you said I didn't want to ruin our friendship."

He feels the same? Am I dreaming?

Jungkook pulled you off the couch into another hug. The hug felt comfortable, and safe. You wish it could last forever. "I have to go y/n, I wasn't able to keep the other half of my promise, but at least I got to see you before I leave." He started walking to the door. "Jungkook, wait!" You ran to him. He looked at you confused, and without second thought you kissed him. His lips were soft and gentle, like a pillow, and He pulled you closer to deepen the kiss. He pulled away and with one last kiss he said

"Promise me, you'll be waiting here for me when I come back?"

I promise

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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