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" Damn it! I wake up late again! Why yukio not wake me up.. Jeez! What a brother he is! *while tugging his clothes and change into uniform*
Arrrghh! Everyone already hate me because they knew I'm Demon! They hate me so much and last thing i don't want to happen is everyone talking behind my back about me almost everytime late to school and never got problems from school! *rin running out from dorm to school*

After he arrived at school he goes to his classroom, When he open it.. Everyone stare at him.
Rin : Yukio why you not wake me up! Is it really bothering you to wake me up so I'm not gonna late from school?!
Yukio : what?? I did try to wake you up Nii-San but you not wake up.. About four i guess you really tired and i leave you be..
Rin : you could try fifth time... *pouting*
Yukio : huft.. You should use your clock alarm and not only that could you be more mature Nii-San?? I couldn't always help you all time..
Rin : whatt??! Now you feel I'm just disturbing and bothering your life isn't it?!
Yukio : huufftttt.. Just..take your sit Nii-san..
"Rin sit in front beside Shiemi like always"
Shiemi : Rin.. Um.. You okay??
Rin : yeah, I'm ok.. Thanks shiemi
Yukio : okay everyone open your demon Generation and Nature!

"while in class session"
Bon :Ck! Why the hell he always get special treatment like that! That fucking Demon
Shima : Hmm.. Maybe because Mr. Okumura? Well he is smart and graduated faster then any other exorcist, Mr. Okumura also in Middle Level class demon hunter in his age.. No one achieve that level on his age.. So maybe principal give Rin special treatment?
Konekomaru : ssst! Come on guys.. We can get scold by Mr. Okumura
Bon : the hell with it! Mr. Okumura! *Bon shout*
Yukio : what is it Suguro?
Bon : what the hell is he doing here?!  *pointing at Rin*
Rin : what's your problem?!
Bon : you ARE the problem!
Yukio : keep quiet you two! Suguro.. Rin join here because he want to be exorcist..and it was special request too from our principal..
Bon : well!! I don't give a damn about it! We've try our ass out to join in here! We study and even do test all of us!! Even i know that blonde girl did a test too!! And pass in medical assignment!
So what the hell is he doing here!? He sleep in class! never listen! And never get any punishment from school because he late all the time!!
Rin : hey! What your mouth or I'll make you shut it!
Bon : come and try asshole!! You're Demon!  Top of that your Son of Satan! Everything despise you!  You damn father kill konekomaru family!  Burn our temple and even destroy our damn family life!!!
*bon and rin got into fight while konekomaru and shima try to pull them apart*
Yukio : ENOUGH!!!
"everyone shock and silent.. Even Bon and Rin,
Yukio : you two Sit down!!
"they all do as Yukio told"
Bon : everyone scared of you because your father! Just Die and everyone will be glad!
Yukio : Enough Suguro!!  You Can't-- *Rin Stand up*
Rin : i never ask for this birth!! do you think i want this?! Do you think i want this Demon blood running in my vein and because of it my Dad Died!!! *Rin can't  hold his tear running down streaming*
Rin : i never had a friend! Everyone call me monster! This demon flame that i can't control will hurt you guys i cared so much!! If I'm not learn to control it!? Do you think i want it!! My father is Shiro NOT SATAN!! He died because of me!! And never all of you talked like you know me!!  *Rin crying out loud and Storm off classroom*

"everyone become quiet and look down.. Even Bon Shock by what Rin said just a moment ago and regret what he just said not just Him.. Everyone has regret look on their eyes.. They acted like Rin hurt them.. But in fact it was them who act like demon.. Hurt Him like this all the time, then moment later Bon Chase After Rin"

"Rin POV"
why! Why i was born!! Why i have to be born as Satan Son! Why.... *when he at his dorm rooftop the place whenever he want to be alone* I only want a friend.. Dad...why you have to gone.. *tear running stream from his eyes*
Yeah.. Suguro said i should Die.. And everyone happy.. I..  Should just kill myself..  What am i wish for?? Someone understand my heart..? Even i cannot have Friend.. I.. Should end it now..  I'm tired people hating me.. *rin Unsheathing Kurikara Katana* if i kill myself with this..  My demoning healing will not working..

"Bon POV"
Okumura!! Okumuraa!!  *While Running*
Why have i should always be like this.. When he said that.. I knew from beginning he never wish to be born that way.. Me and everyone always mistreat him..  Dammit Rin Please don't  Do anything stupid!

"When Bon arrived at Rin Dorm.."
Bon : hello?? Okumura you here??  Hello?? Where is he.. Not in his room..either.. Only one place is Rooftop.. No no! Don't tell me he going to jump from there! *Bon running to rooftop when he Arrive what he seeing is something he never ever been horrified before in his entire life.. Not even when Satan Burn His Family Temple.. It was Rin laying in floor while kurikara stabbed in his stomach and blood everywhere*
Bon : No No!!  Okumura please.. Please I'm  begging you don't die?! *while holding and hugging Rin.. Tear stream from Bon Cheek*
Bon : I-I n-need to call ambulance!! *But he too shaking even for reacting his phone* then Yukio and all classmate whose catching up with Bon coming for apologize also horrified by what they sees
Bon : Call Ambulance!!!!!!


Sorry.. Maybe you just feel this is too long but i promise next part will be more warm up.. But i just want to be more prologue story first rather been escalating too quickly..
I've been reading and watching Blue exorcist since it come out.. And i always ship Rin with Bon.. When i read alot of fiction of their relationship here..  It made me want to do it too..
Please go easy on me.. 

SOULMATE FOR ETERNITY (BON X RIN FICTION) Where stories live. Discover now