Can Me and You Be Us??

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"it's 4 Day already and Rin not showing any sign he will Wake up Sooner,  each day his classmate will come and seeing how Rin progress, Yukio and Rin Friends look for Rin but also concerned about Bon,  he Never Leave Rin Side... He look messy, Bon also not attend school for 4 day.. He never skipped class before, and each day Shima or Konekomaru will bring Him new Clean clothes and food For Bon to eat,  though he insisted he already eat..
Bon never leave Rin side..he leave him only if he thirsty, hungry, or need to go to bathroom, he always recite sutras as humming sound he think maybe Rin will wake up sooner because of it..

He still like this..  Unconscious.. Wake up Rin..  Come on mad at me..  Try to pick a fight,  or say anything.. I miss your voice..

Bon : hey Rin *holding Rin hand*
You know i listen about song lately on my phone, i tried to played it for you when you wake up.. But i guess right now is Good too huh?? I'll sing to it also don't mock me if i sound bad you hear?! Haha *while looking at Rin whose laying motionless

When I see your smile
Tears run down my face
I can't replace
Now that I'm strong I have figured out
How this world turns cold
And it breaks through my soul and I know
I'll find deep inside me
I can be the one

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

It's ok
It's ok
It's okayayay

Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and 
Stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
'Cause you're my
You're mine
My true love
My whole heart
Please don't throw that away
'Cause I'm here for you
Please don't walk away and
Please tell me you'll stay
Use me as you will 
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be ok
Though my skies are turning grey (grey)

"When Bon Sing he felt his Hand being hold back By Rin then he scream Doctor And nurse to come
Bon : how is he??
Doctor : his stabilized now,  and he's making progress.. He will wake up anytime sooner, so we hope that--
"Rin open his eyes and saying with little voice"
Rin : where.. Am i??
Bon : Thank God..  You open your eyes..  Rin *bon crying and touch Rin cheek*
Rin : Su-Suguro??  Why you?? Ughhh!!  *His stomach hurting
Bon : Sssshhh..  Don't move around take a rest..  Just sleep okay?  I won't go.. I'll be here.. *bon hold Rin hands..  And Rin tighten his Grasp at Bon Hands.. Then Rin fall Asleep again*

"Rin wake up in the morning"

Am i dreaming..  I think i dream Suguro was here.. I dream he sing a song.. Then he look around no ones here, well there's No way he be here! He hate me..why i dream about him.. But why i still alive.. I should be dead,  why am i not dead!  What now?!  Even death don't want me!? *Rin cries in his Bed*

"just then Bon open the door with flower and look at Rin cried"
Bon : Rin?! What happened? Did somewhere hurt? Did you have a nightmare? I'm sorry I've gone.. I should not leave you alone.. I only buy flower at Cross the street.. Rin.. *caressing Rin hair*
Rin : I-Is it? Really Suguro?? 
*Sobbing, then poking Bon Cheek with his finger*
Rin : *Gasp* Su-Suguro!! Rin jump out of shook, owwww *his stomach hurt
Bon : Don't move too much dammit! What if your stitches open up again Rin! Last thing i wanna see is your laying unconscious again with blood out of you!! I don't  want something happen to you again, and yeah I'm  right here!,  looking out for you all this time! Even you don't  like it!  Get used to it! *trying to hid his embarrassment*
Rin : Su-suguro you called me Rin?? *Rin shock because Bon never call his name, either Demon, monster, or his family name okumura*
Bon : y-yeah!  Got problem with it??  A-and just call me Bon okay??  Or even Ryuji..  That's my first name, Bon is a childhood name my fams give to me..*Bon Blushing*
Rin : Um.. Bon..why you saved me? I bet everyone now hate and disgusted by me..  They will think how low i am that take suicide hiks..  *Rin begin to tear up again
Bon : Sshh.. No one think that.. If the one who should disgusted by it, is you.. We push you and mistreated you that lead this way.. I'm so sorry Rin.. For everything I've done..  Everyone too! And if anyone say bad things again I'll kick their Ass! *holding and hugging Rin while Rin Sobbing*
Rin : Bo-bon..  Why you act differently? Don't  you hate me??
Bon : i-i.. Look i like you Rin.. Alot actually,  your carefree.. your smile..God! it's contagious.. i w-wanna get close but don't know how s-so.. I did bad thing without realizing what effect to you.. Maybe I'm  just scared to realized my feeling for you..
Rin : wha-whaaat??? *Rin look red and Don't know what to say*
Bon: I-i Love you Dumbass! Is it hard to understand! Don't  make me embarrassed even more!!
Rin : i know that!!  You dumbass! But.. me Too i guess.. I like you too actually
Bon : wha-what?? *Bon beet Red even More*
Rin : i said like you..your attitude it's so badass! your face so cool! and your smart.. I always look up to you..  I like you.. it just..  I dunno how to say it or show it and I'm  scared you rejected me,  when you said i should die it's hurt my heart so's kill me *Rin cry again*
Bon : I'm so sorry..  Please forgive me... I promise I'll protect you and I'll treat you right, please live for me Rin
Rin : I'll be the one protected you in the end dumbass *Rin cries out loud*
Bon : haha..  I love everything about you.. Even your smug

 Even your smug

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"Bon Kiss Rin.. His hand carressing Rin hair,  he bite Rin lower Lips gently,  they tongues swirl liplocking each other *then Bon stop it.. *

Bon : you just wake up..  We can't  continue.. *touching Rin cheek*
Rin : bu-but!
Bon : ssshh.. Just sleep okay..  You need it..  We have plenty of time to show our love next time.. There no You or I..  It's Us now *kiss Rin forehead
Rin : Promise??
Bon : promise..

"Rin fell asleep in Bon arm.. His head laying in Bon Chest..  He can hear Bon heartbeat so clearly that made him fall Asleep sooner than ever..  Then Bon fall asleep too..  Holding each other


Hi.. It's me again..  It's  third part..  Well i hope you like it..  Next part will be moving forward a little faster.. 
Let's be Bon and Rin shipper together

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