we're going to Kyoto

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"two month later, when they class break, Rin about to take his lunch that he made, He made it for Bon too, he sat at Rooftop like always waiting for Bon"
Bon : hi Rii.. Sorry I'm late.. I need to go to Office awhile ago..
Rin : did something happen?? Btw come here.. I made you bento.. Say aaaa

Bon : you know i should be the one spoil you *munch munch* heh but your cooking skill will never unbeatable baby

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Bon : you know i should be the one spoil you *munch munch* heh but your cooking skill will never unbeatable baby..
Rin : ahaha.. Well once in a while i do wanna spoil you too.. Here.. Again aaa, so what office said?
Bon : they said our team need to prepare to go to kyoto asap, *munch munch* yukio check it too, it's seems there a greater demon lurking there, *while bon getting feed by Rin*
Bon : we don't know *munch munch* who is the one open the seal but *munch munch*Hey! Come on!! I tried to speak don't feed me too sooner, i tried to swallow it!
Rin : ahahaha sorry sorry, you were from kyoto right..?
Bon : huftt.. Yeah thats why i kinda down, you know like i don't wanna go there and met my fams..
Rin : hey.. Come on Ryu.. Don't say like that.. No matter your problem with them.. Please clear for it and make it up to them, you have your parent and family.. Not like mine.. Before it's too late Ryu *Rin look saddened and sorrow
Bon : I'm sorry babe I'm not try to make you sad.. *kissing Rin forehead*
Rin : yes, i know.. Promise me you go to kyoto too with rest of the team okay??
Bon : of course i will even it's was a drag, but you going too, i need to protect you,you know!
Rin : haha your wish, I'm the one who gonna be protect you!

"when they arrived at Kyoto they feel it like field trip even though it wasn't"

"when they arrived at Kyoto they feel it like field trip even though it wasn't"

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Woahhh.. Everyone feel awe
They arrived at Suguro Inn
Bon : this is my fams Inn, we'll be staying here, hello i I'm back!! "Bon open the front Gate to Front door*
Boonnn how are you?!! *yelling and put their hands at Bon shoulder*
Bon : oh hi Rinzo, Juzo, they shima older brother I'm good uh.. Well this is my team exwires, *everyone giving polite Nod*
Shima : no Sweet family friendly huh for even your bro,
Rinzo : haha! How are you?? Get any girls?? *smirk
Juzo : i hope you not troubling Bon there?
Shima :wha?? Nooo, look Rin they mean to me*puppy eyes*
Bon, izumo and Yukio smack Shima head
Bon : again! Remind you! Don't flirt with my-
Juzo & Rinzo : this is Rin Okumura?!
*they screaming yelling at Rin that they happy meet with Rin after he heard many things about Rin from Shima*
"Ryuji??!! Ryuji.... why you not called here before.. You.. *she trying to touch Bon hair* "A woman in middle age but still look beautiful, Rin feel little bit jealous think who she is?his GF? His Ex?? Then"
What did you do with your hair!! *she grab it and pull it!! *you dye it!! What are you?! A punk?! I didn't raised you to be punk!
Everyone stared in shock
Shima : ppfttt, i knew his mom gonna talk about the hair

SOULMATE FOR ETERNITY (BON X RIN FICTION) Where stories live. Discover now