Make Amend for Us

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"When Rin insisted he do the clean up.. And Ask Bon mom to talk it out with Bon Dad and Bon..  So the three of fams Sit in Dining Table.. While Rin cleaning"
Mrs. Suguro : Ryuji.. Could you stop being so distant to us.. Esp. Your dad..
Bon : well, I'm not try to distant, you guys make me do it!
Mr. Suguro : look Ryuji, we're sorry if we have been hurt you or something, but you can't act like that to Us esp. Your mom.. She love you so much..
Bon : well speak for yourself, you never here, never give time for me, gone for a week or so, come home just to say goodbye again, when i was kid i look up to you! But look now, when kyoto in danger your gone! Leaving like a coward!
Mrs. Suguro : Ryuji!  Watch your language! You speak to your father here..
Bon : Ck?!  I'm  leaving! "Bon storm off"
Mrs. Suguro : Ryujiii!...
Mr. Suguro : leave him be..

"Rin heard it all too well in the kitchen, he felt his heart sunk into bottom of ocean.. Hearing Bon Talk like that to his parent.. For Rin he never got a chance to know his Mom Yuri.. All he knows is her Grave.. And before he can make amend with his Dad Shiro.. He Died protecting Rin from Satan"

Rin PoV
"why Ryu has to be like that.. His dad has explanation for his gone.. Even his mom never speak of it.. It's mean she trust her husband completely..well.. I cannot blame Ryu either.. Looking Ryu reaction maybe just like me before.. Mom.. Dad.. Am i do the right thing?  Could you guys give me help how to make this work out" in Rin Thought..

"Just then Rin made two cup of Tea for Bon Parent"
Mrs. Suguro : I'm sorry dear..  You had to see that..
Rin : no.. It's okay.. I apologize for what Ryu said.. I believe he didn't mean it..
Mr. Suguro : you such a nice Kids.. Though i don't blame him, Ryuji will understand sooner or later i guess
Mrs. Suguro : Rin-kun.. The way you act and the way Ryuji shown how he treating around you..  Are you have having special relationship with Ryuji?
Rin : i uh well...  *embarrassed hid his face away*
Mr. Suguro : haha look don't  worry about it,  we kind of wish Ryuji with a Girl but as long he happy and his Happiness is all that matter
Rin : I'm  sorry..
Mrs. Suguro : why you apologizing for dear? Oh is it because your a Guy or half demon??
Rin : wha-??  You guys knew??
Mrs. Suguro : everyone in family does, shima talked about it with Rinzo and Juzo they tell all of us.
Rin : I'm sorry..  I hope you don't think less of me.. Or Ryu..
Mrs. Suguro : of course not! Where you catch that thought??
Mr. Suguro : look.. Yes we all knew your Son of Satan,  satan destroy our temple and all,  but it's not your fault,  beside Shima said your lost your Mom from birth and your Dad died because he tried to protected you..
Mrs. Suguro : we believe that you are a Kid with Precious Heart..  Beside I'm  trying to picturing you as my Daughter or Son in law either way fine you pick up!  Hohoho
Rin : whaaaaa?! Uh..  I'll be off now.. I'm  going to catch Ryu *embarrassed

Bon PoV
"the hell was that?!  Act like parent??  They even hardly have time for me,  they only think their fams reputation! Rin must be do it for us.. Ck.. I promise to make amend, but it's harder than i think it is..
"as Bon sit at the Pond.. He held the Guitar who he always Played when he was Kids..I'm  sorry Rii.. Though you try your best to make me and Dad good again... Then he play a song as he thinking of Rin"

"No one ever saw me like you do
All the things that I could add up to
I never knew just what a smile was worth
But your eyes say everything without a single word

'Cause there's somethin' in the way you look at me
It's as if my heart knows you're the missing piece
You made me believe that there's nothing in this world I can't be
I never know what you see
But there's somethin' in the way you look at me

SOULMATE FOR ETERNITY (BON X RIN FICTION) Where stories live. Discover now