Grow old with yourself 💜

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"as Bon wake up He scared Rin gone.. And it was all Dream,  but only to See Rin sleeping peacefully in Bon Arms"

Bon PoV
Thank God this is not a dream..  My baby is here.. Sleeping in my arms.. I won't let you go again.. This time we'll  prove our love worth everything damn thing! "

"as Bon wakes up he sees Rin already in fully clothes"
Bon : wait Babe?? Why you fully clothes and why in such hurry??
Rin : oh Ryu.. You awake..  I clean all your dirty clothes,  i made you breakfast and bento for lunch
Bon : Rii..  Your not answer me..  Don't  scare me..
Rin : haha.. Ryu.. I'm not scaring you.. Today I'll  be back to vatican.. But only me,  as Yukio will stayed here now
Bon : no!  No..  Please not again..  I can't live without you..
Rin : Ryu..  I'm going to vatican to finished all business with vatican branch there..
Bon : But.. Baby..!
"Rin kiss Bon..  Bon welcome it and touch Rin hairs"
Rin : one month.. Just one month..  I'll  finish everything.. I'll  be back home As soon after that.. We can settle down..we can lived happily ever after like before..
Bon : you promise??
Rin : i do my love.. I always love you all this time anyway..  Can't  you remember when i got back here i wear your Love necklace??
"Bon remember then gasp as he didn't  aware of it"
Rin : my stupid love haha..
Bon : Can i Drive you to airport..?
Rin : of course Ryu...

"they arrived at Airport and almost Boarding time.. They shared a kiss.. A passionate kiss, everyone look blushing, but they didn't care"
Rin : you know..  I love your old hairstyle.. It's so fucking baddass!
Bon : r-really? You like it babe?
Rin : see you later my love...

"in one month Bon And Rin in LDR state..  Every night they will called.. Rin will always brag about how irritated he is with vatican, but Bon always comfort him to be patience.., sometimes they video call only to see how each other doing, then one month pass.. When Rin get back..  For Good.. Bon gonna pick Rin up in Air Port.. Bon waiting Rin in Arrived Gate, when Rin arrived.. He Running to Bon only to be shouting at Bon"

Rin : Ryuuuuu! You let your hair long again?? Bon : wa-wait??  You know first you had to welcome your love by kiss moron! "as they kissed and everyone stare with blush"Rin : done!  Now what with that hairstyle?? Bon : i-i thought you like my old h...

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Rin : Ryuuuuu! You let your hair long again??
Bon : wa-wait??  You know first you had to welcome your love by kiss moron!
"as they kissed and everyone stare with blush"
Rin : done!  Now what with that hairstyle??
Bon : i-i thought you like my old hairstyle?! Is it bad?? I-i had to argue with mum to get this hairstyle back...
Rin : i..  I like it so much..  I just didn't know you did it that far.. For me..  *blushing*
Bon : heh!.. Thanks with Shiemi nature Shampoo it's  help my hair grow faster..
Rin : kayyy!!  You so handsome Ryu!
Bon : uhh.. Thanks babe *blush*
Rin : let's  go home!
Bon : sure.. We going to Kyoto..
Rin : huh?!  You moved to kyoto?? 
Bon : Nope.. Just taking you there..
Rin : okay....

" they arrived at Kyoto in evening.. Rin still in jetleg and Bon seems tired by Driving all the way to kyoto, when they arrived everyone shower Rin welcomed hug and so on, from Rinzo, Juzo, bon moms and Dad,  mamushi family who is juzo wife.. All family welcome Rin..  Makes Rin feel at home.. A welcome family.., then they goes to Bon bedroom.. As tired as they be.. They fall asleep as soon they lay on Bed"

SOULMATE FOR ETERNITY (BON X RIN FICTION) Where stories live. Discover now