what is Christmas?

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"when they get back from kyoto, a couple month has pass since then, alot is happen.. Rin so happy that he gonna celebrate his first Christmas with his Friends and Brother, he feel a little bit down as this few month seems Bon distance himself from Rin, when Rin got back Bon usually coming home with him but instead ask Rin not to wait for him, when he eat dinner usually he with Bon, but he Eat dinner alone lately,  sometimes Yukio and Shima also Konekomaru Eat with him,  but it's feel different without Bon.. He sleep alone at Night.. Bon coming home usually when Rin already fall asleep waiting for him"

"when christmas day Everyone Gather around Shiemi Home to celebrate Christmas, everyone already there, Rin just arrived.. He late because he wait for Bon, when Bon arrived he goes to takes shower, *Bipp* Bon phone ring to it, Rin look at it

From : Hana
Suguro-kun Thank you for today.. Kids like you alot.. You such a nice Guy.. Well look forward next time, Good day

"At that moment Rin burn in Rage, just When Bon Out from Shower, He came to kiss Rin forehead, then.. "
Rin : don't touch me! You fucking Asshole!
Bon : what?!  What the hell gotten into You??
Rin : whose is this bitch Called Hana?! Her kids like you?! What now?!  You into older women?! "Holding Bon Phone grasp almost broke Bon Phone"
Bon : of course not!  Listen to me first!!
Rin : don't even bother you prick!  I hate you!!
Rin : Baby waittt!!

"Rin walk out and Goes Wandering in Park, snow falling from the sky.. Everything as White as Milk.. Rin cries and so Pissed off!
His phone Vibrate with Ringtone bon give to Rin to use

I don't want to go another day
So I'm telling you, exactly what is on my mind
Seems as like everybody is breaking up
And throwing their love away
But I know I got a good thing right here,
That's why I say (hey)

Nobody gonna love me better, I'm gon' stick wit you forever
Nobody gonna take me higher, I'm gon' stick wit you
You know how to appreciate me, I'm gon' stick wit you, my baby
Nobody ever made me feel this way, I'ma stick wit you

I don't want to go another day
So I'm telling you, exactly what is on my mind
See the way we ride, in our private lives
Ain't nobody gettin' in between
I want you to know that, your the only one for me

"Rin cries and tried hard not being heard, he look whose called and it was Shiemi"
Rin : yeah Shiemi? *sniff
Shiemi : Rinn.. Where are you..  We all waiting for you
Rin : uhh... Yeah I'll be there in few minute..
Shiemi : okay!  Come here.. This party won't be same without you.. *then she hung up*

"He didn't want to go to Shiemi  Party Now but..  He didn't  want everyone hate him so.. He taking his feet to shiemi house.. "

Shiemi : Rinnn..  Thank God you came..  We can't  celebrate this without you! *hug Rin and Lead Rin into Living Room
*Blast!!! Happy birthday Rin!! And Merry Christmas! "everyone shout"
Rin : wha-what??!!!!  Wait birthday? Today my birthday??
Yukio : Nii-San yes today is Our Birthday..  You didn't remember maybe because when we we're kids, you always come home late and goes sleep or something, Father always celebrate our Birthday.. Sometimes he waiting you come home until Fall Asleep too..
Rin : Yukioo... But why you not celebrating
Yukio : i insisted that today only your celebration Birthday..  You never had One..and this Surprise was made by Suguro so..
Rin : Ryu?? He prepared for this??
Shima : duh yeah! He even work his ass off to get you a present!
"thwack!!  Koneko izumo yukio even Shiemi hit Shima"
Shima : awww!  Omg.. I slip that last part *as shima recon his slip mistake
Rin : Ryu working??  For get me a present??

" smack from behind Bon hit Rin head"
Rin :ouch!  Hey!! R-Ryu...
Bon : that's why i said listen to me first dumbass! That person is mother whose her kids i teach for extra cash, and i work in evening at library as librarian assistant! So i got enough money to buy you gift!
Rin : well! I-i don't  know about it!!  You come home late,  you ask me don't wait you up, we don't hang out after school..*Rin almost burst in tear* i almost think you don't  love me no more..
Bon : i.. I'm  sorry..  I just don't  want to rely on my fams money.. To brought you a gift...
Rin : it's  fine.. I should more listen to you.. I'm  sorry Ryu..
Bon : Ri..  I never gonna lost my Love for you..  Okay??  Umm btw..

Bon : happy birthday Babe

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Bon : happy birthday Babe.. And merry christmas..
"Rin blushing and everyone look with smiling.. Bon giving Rin a sweet heart shaped Gold Red Necklace and shown its there a Bon and Rin picture in heart lock shape necklace"

"As everyone shared moment Rin kiss Bon and touch Bon cheek.. "
Rin : Ryu.. I want you.. Can we..  You know??
Bon : heh! Let's go home..  It's  hard to control myself anyway..
Rin : um guys we coming home first.. Sorry.. Please continue without us..
Shiemi : huh.. But it's Rin birthday..
Yukio : its okay.. *touch shiemi head
Shiemi : Yuki-Chan..*blushing
Shima : ohhhhh!  Your going to give Rin nasty Thing huh Bon??!!!
*everyone shock in shame and embarrassed*
Shima : what???  Anyone not gonna smack me??
Izumo : tonight your not gonna get any lay one!
Shima : what the?!  Aww baby pls don't say that..
"Rin and Bon leaving as their friends Continue on"

"when they get back Rin close the door then Bon turn him and push him into the door kiss him hard, lick Rin ears.. Bite Rin neck.. As Rin moan and touch Bon back..
Bon tried to unbuckle Rin clothes,  while continue kising him.."
Bon : Too many layer!  All i can think today is to get you in my hand..
Rin : ohh Ryu your being too fast..
Bon : Sorry babe.. Can't hold it..  I miss you body so much!
Rin : Strip.  Now

"Bon take off all his clothes while Rin kiss his Abs.. Touching trail of Bon from abs.. Then Bon sit in front Rin As Rin laying underneath"
Bon : Suck Daddy, open your mouth..
"Rin lick the tips Bon Cock..  Suck its head..  Then inches deeper.. Bon can hold it any longer..  He fuck Rin face and Rin gag and tried his best to deep throat it.. "
Bon : ugh..  Daddy Gonna come Baby.. drink all Daddy Seed.. 
"Rin tried to reply but all he can mutter is umm ohff"
Bon : ohh C-Cumming..
"Rin tried hard to swallow Bon Cum,  there to much..Bon Kiss Rin and Ask Rin to sit on his Knee, he do as he told.. Then Bon hold him from behind pick him up..  Then push his cock from behind Rin.. Rin gasp as surprised Bon penetrate him this way.. Bon Motion In Rhythm while Rin moaning while Bon kissing Rin neck and Marking Rin all over"
Rin : oh Daddy ugh..  I.. I'm  gonna..
Bon : yeah?? Yeahh??  Yes cum for daddy moan only for me,  call daddy! Your daddy love alone and forever! Ugh *bon growl in Rin ear
Rin : shit!  Ah ah Daddy..  Can't hold..
Bon : daddy too babe..  Let's  cum together... Take daddy seed..  Have daddy baby..ahhh 
"they both scream in pleasure.. afterwards Rin laying at Bon chest as Bon carressing Rin back"
Rin : My Leg are shaking..
Bon : me too babe.. Me too..
Rin : i love you..  Don't you ever leave me okay??
Bon : i won't  i promise..

"as they fall asleep and feel their love more growing within them"


I'm sorry if my story was lame and not Good.. I just want to shown Bon and Rin love
Please give me Votes for each part story..

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