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" day Each day has passed and everyone seems getting to stand up for team more.. Became more Solid, Yukio has announced his Relationship With Shiemi who's seems like everyone already know way before they announced it, though Mephistopheles called Yukio for urgent matter today"
Yukio : You called me?
Mephisto : ahh yes! Hmm..  How's the team going?
Yukio : seems everyone become more solid and they achieve alot of misson complete without my help sir..
Mephisto : ahh..  I see.. It's  good to hear.. But i got a news for you and Rin yukio,  seems like After your team mission defeat impure king in kyoto couple month ago.. Vatican wants you and Rin train and work there.. Even they will help your both goal as Top exorcist within 3 years..
Yukio : what???  When the due time sir?
Mephisto : well..  They want to get your answers within a month,  though i cannot do much with it. You know vatican right?  They never asked they just never take no for answer.. But i didn't said that it was bad idea.. You have Shura there and angel to help Rin and you both train..

"after thay Yukio goes to looking out for Rin"
Yukio POV
How could i say about this thing with Nii-San..  He loved Bon so much.. Not only that..  My relationship with shiemi..  How could i tell her.. And of i say no to vatican.. They only makes things worse around people we Cared.. I should tell Nii-san about it.. Where is he...?"

"Rin actually Beside Bon who Just Study his Book.. Rin got yawn and Sleepy all the time.. Beside.. "

Rin : Ryu

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Rin : Ryu..  I'm  bored..
Bon : then study with me.. It's better rather than sleeping until you bored Rii
Rin : That also Boring too.. Studying is Boring..
Bon : Come on you said you want to be Paladin! Don't  be lazy..
Rin : whatever...
Bon : well.. You should stay Dumbass, so I'll  be the only one Smart here *Smirk
Rin : what?? You so mean!

 You should stay Dumbass, so I'll  be the only one Smart here *Smirk Rin : what?? You so mean!

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Bon : uh.. Sorry
Rin : your not mean it!

 SorryRin : your not mean it!

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SOULMATE FOR ETERNITY (BON X RIN FICTION) Where stories live. Discover now