Stick with you

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"3 Days pass after Bon and Rin confess to each other about they feeling, today is the day Rin discharge from hospital"
Bon : you ready?? Rii??
Rin : yeah, wait what?? Rii???
Bon : uh..  Yeah.. It's  my sweet nickname for you.. It's kind of hard to call you outside with sweetie and baby..  And not only that I'm  not sweet person.. But i tried to be *pick up Rin Bag then Bon blushing
Rin : um..  I like it.. Can i call you Ryu from now on?? *Rin looking down embarrassed to look at Bon eyes*
"then Bon close and whisper in Rin ears his voice is Deep and Little bit Growl and husky*
Bon : Call me Ryu again baby.. You make me hard..
" Rin blushing then hug Bon and kiss him..  Bon kiss him back..hard and deep..  Licking Rin Lip. "
Bon : Damn!  Rii..  You make me hard to keep my hand to myself.. Call me again Rii
Rin : Ryu... Ryu..
"Smack!! The two of them got hit hard in the head"
Yukio : alright enough you too.. Can you guys just save it later? We here to take you home Nii-San,  and also you just got discharged, do not damage yourself with your  both stupid Lewd thought.
Rin : CK!  mood killer
Bon : come on Rii Yukio right..  Let's go home..

"afterward they arrived in Bon place, and Rin and Yukio look with awe"
Bon : we arrived
Rin : uhh..  Ryu are you drunk?  This isn't look like our dorm,
Yukio :  I mean it's the exact opposite actually.
Bon : this my house,  my parent brought it for me while i study here,  it's not like castle but quite nice, come on in!  Stop being frozen
Rin : wa- What?!  *Bon Pick Rin up in Bridal Style*
Bon : let's go in Rii,
" when they inside "
Rin & Yukio : Whoaaa...
Rin : Ryu are you rob someone house??
Bon : the hell! Nah it's like i said my parent brought it,  i ask Mr. Okumura and you from now on stay with me, and he agreed, especially I can look out for you everyday now..
Rin : i don't  need that.. You don't have to do that you know..  *Rin blushing*

Rinnnnnnnn!! Everyone from exwires welcome Rin at bon hall*
Ahhh i miss you..  * shima hugging Rin*
Rin : Shi-Shimaaaa?!
Shima : uhhh come on smooch for me *try to kiss Rin*
"Smack!! Twackk!! Shima got hit by Bon and Yukio"
Shima : ouchh!  What was that for?!
Bon : first of all Ri only for me!  Second,  you molested him you asshole!
Shima : uhh for you?! Wait are you two in some sort of Relationship now??!!
Yukio : kamiki will be Mad if she know you hitting a Guy Shima
Shima : jeez fine.. It's just family friendly, and what's up with Rii Rii?
Bon : it-its.. My Nickname for Rin *embarrassed
Rin & Bon : but wait a sec!?! You out with Izumo?????!!!!
Shima : thats..  Yeah for a while actually..  She angry about me and the rest of class mistreat Rin,  and she blame herself too..  She said she never make fun of Rin but never stand up for him too..  So she as much to be blame as the rest of us.. And she will break up with me if i don't make up for yeah.. First i do wanna apologize,  second i don't  wanna break up with her*laughing
Rin : izumo...
Izumo : look i apologize okay?!  Leave it at that pls
Rinnnnn *hugging Rin*
Rin : konekomaru??  Wha-what happened why you crying?
Konekomaru : I'm  so sorry I'm very sorry..  I made you hurt youself,  it's not your fault, please forgive me..
Rin : it's alright Konekomaru *patted Koneko Head*
Shiemi : Hi.. rin.. Welcome back..  I'm happy you alright.. Whatever happened don't forget you have us.. Okay??
Rin : thank you shiemi.. Everyone.. Thanks
Shiemi : yuki-chan..  Have you eat well??
Yukio : um.. Yeah i do..  Thank you shiemi *blushing
"Rin confused.."
Rin : don't  tell me you guys dating too now?
Yukio & Shiemi : what??? Umm.. Well..
Rin : leave it, already read it from you face *smirking

"after they finish welcome party at Bon house,  everyone leaving, Though Shima and Konekomaru Lived in Bon House,  Shima walking back home Izumo,  and Yukio take Shiemi Home,  Koneko Insisted he cleaning and ask Bon take Rin Rest.. *which Bon mouthing Koneko Thanks i owe you one*"

"After Bon help Rin unpack his things in Bon bedroom that now is their both bedroom, Bon said he want to take Rin rinse his body because Rin cannot Shower for awhile
"at shower"
Bon : Rii..  I wanna touch you so bad.. But you still need time to heal *caressing Rin back*
Rin : Ryu..  Ikh.. Stop that..  You make my body tingle..  It's  hot..
Bon : Kiss won't hurt right?? *bon kiss Rin hard..  touching Rin nipple play with it*
Rin : ekh.. Ryu..  Umm.. Ahh.. Ugh.. Ouch.. *Rin feel his stomach hurt.. *
Bon : let's stop for now.. *smiling..
Rin : sorry.. For killing the moment *Saddened
Bon : it's not like that babe..  You need to heal.. We can wait.. I can wait.. I love you no matter what..
Rin : Ryu..  Damn i love you so much
Bon : Haha!  I know!
Rin : you Smug!

  Damn i love you so muchBon : Haha!  I know! Rin : you Smug!

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"after they finish.. Bon help Rin dry him,
Bon : don't move around so much Rii!
Rin : ugh..  Fineeee..

"afterward they cuddle in bed..  Bon sit in edge of bed and Rin sit on his lap,  his back touching Bon chest.. "

Bon : Ri

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Bon : Ri.. I-i don't  like people touching you,  especially What i seen today when Shima did it..
Rin : hey..  He just teasing please don't be mad.. I'm  yours..  I love you..  Don't try to kill shima or anyone alright?!
Bon : i won't!  I'm just stating I'm  jealous that's your is mine and mine alone!...  *blushing*
Rin : yeah!  I know!  Love you..
Bon : love you too..

"they sleep afterward,  tired not know why..  But happiness can be seen in their sleep..

Wow there's so much i want to write as Bon and Rin story love,  they can't make love for now but next part will just wait:)
Beside i want to make it realistic as possible :)
I'm  so sorry if it's disappointing you guys but hope for the best right?

SOULMATE FOR ETERNITY (BON X RIN FICTION) Where stories live. Discover now