The Mission

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I lay in my bed, trying to comprehend what just happened. Steve Rogers likes me? Me? Of all people? Of course, he just has to like the one who could kill him in five seconds flat if I get the slightest bit annoyed.

Steve was called to the bridge to see Fury about Loki. They're probably going to interrogate him soon. That's something I'd pay to see.

I get out of my bed and head towards the door. I head towards the bridge to see if Steve is still there. I see Fury and Steve arguing when I walk in.

"Agent Garabrandt, just the person I wanted to see" says Fury as I walk through the door.

"Yes, Fury?" I ask.

"We need you to get close to Loki. You will get him to trust you and you will get answers, understand?"

"But sir, I don't thin-" I start.

"That's an order, now go. You will stay inside his cage from 10AM to 4PM every day. Meals will be brought to you during that time. We will get answers. Understand?"

I sigh and respond, "Yes, sir." and head out.

"Stephanie, wait!" I hear Steve call after me.

I keep walking, not wanting to talk to anyone right now. I feel heat moving to my hands, but keep it contained.

"Stephanie!" Steve calls again.

I keep walking. He grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

"Stephanie, listen." Steve says.

"What?" I snap.

"I know you're upset about this. I am too. I tried to talk Fury out of it but he wouldn't listen." He pleads.

"Well, there's nothing you can do now. I'm stuck with him. Once Fury wants something, you can't talk him out of it. What he wants is answers, and I'm going to get them." I say, turning around but he pulls me back.

"I wasn't done. Now, I know Loki has tricks up his sleeves. He's the God of Mischief for crying out loud. I've heard the way he talks. He wants a Goddess. He kept saying 'every God needs a Goddess.' Don't fall for it. You can't fall for him. He'll use you against us. What ever you do, don't let him use you. You're too important to lose." He says, gripping my shoulders. His voice full of worry and eyes full of concern.

"I won't. I'm only here to get answers." I respond.

He nods and releases his tight grip on my shoulders. That might leave a bruise.

I walk away from him and make my way to the cage. The cage is huge and strong enough to hold a hulk. It's round in shape and can be released from the ship in case of emergency. In the middle if the cage sits a man with shoulder length black hair. He has pale skin and green and black armor. I'll admit, he's very attractive.

No! I cant think like that! This is exactly what Steve warned me about!

Ugh, this is going to be harder than I thought.

"Hey, Loki." I said, not knowing how to greet a God.

"Mortal." He mumbled.

"The mortal has a name, you know. It's Stephanie." I said.

"Why should I care?" He asked.

"Just saying," I said, putting my hands up in surrender.

I opened the cage and stepped in. He didn't try to escape. Odd.

The cage closed as I stepped in. I took seat next to him and sat in the awkward silence. While we sat, he just stared at me. This guy is crazy.

"So..." I said after about five minutes.

He quickly averted his gaze and cleared his throat.

"What's it like in Asgard?" I asked, curious.

"Well, it's beautiful. Everything is gold and lustrous. The All father's palace towers to the sky with an amazing view. Very different from Midgard." He explained.

I nodded, understanding.

"So, why did you come here? It sounds so wonderful in Asgard, why come here?" I asked.

"You intrigue me, mortal. Every other mortal I've met has been rude, selfish, and full of hatred. You, however, care. Why?." He asked.

"Well, I believe everyone deserves a chance. Never judge a book by its cover. There's more than meets the eye, you know, that sort of thing." I explained.

He nodded. "But I'm trying to take over your world."

"Yeah, I know. You won't succeed by the way. Humans don't go down without a fight. But I feel like this whole situation is more than just wanting to be king." I told him.

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"I want to impress my father. I've always lived in the shadow of my brothers greatness. My father raised me believing that I could be king, but I couldn't. I was just another stolen relic."

"Relic? I don't understand" I said.

"Every time Asgard goes to war, the All Father takes something to show victory. We keep the relics in a treasure room. During a battle with the frost giants, he found an infant. Laufey's son. Prince of the frost giants. He took the infant and raised him as his own, never telling him he was a frost giant. Claiming it was for protection. He raised the infant to be prince of Asgard and, well, now we're here."

"Oh." I said, not sure of what else to say.

He turned to face me and said, "I like you. I don't know why, but I feel like I can tell you everything. I feel like you truly understand me. Will you be my Goddess?"

Before I could answer, I felt lips pressed against mine. I tried to push away, but before I did, I heard the door open and slam. Crap. Someone saw us. I pushed Loki off of me and ran to the front of the cage. It opened for me and I ran out, bit not before turning and saying,

"I will never be your Goddess."

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