Chapter One: The Mysterious Letter

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Finally, I've arrived home from a long and agonising day of school work. I guess I should be used to it by now. Everyone has to to be stuck in school for at least 8 years of their lives. So far I have survived 8 and am now onto my ninth. As I do everyday I grab the mail before making my way to the front door. While I walk towards my house I scan through the letters. There are a few for my parents and surprisingly one for me. This has just become very confusing for me.

Who would write a letter to me? And now you may be thinking, what do you have no friends or something? No, I do have friends. But if I were to talk to them outside of school I would just send them a text. Come on people it's 2018. I check the envelope to see if I can find any trace of who the sender may be. I am unable to find out who sent it. But I do know one thing. However sent it wanted me to read it, me and me only. On the front of the envelope are these words in bold writing 'Top Secret'

I read this knowing that if I am holding the letter out for the world to see when I walk in that door. My parents will wanna know what's going on. So I decided to hide it in my jacket until I get up to my room. I hold the letter inside my jacket, arms crossed. It is to big to fit in my pocket so this will have to do. Cautiously I open the door to my house making sure the letter doesn't fall out or be seen. "Hi Mum I'm back." I say as I walk in the house. "Oh hey April, did you have a good day at school?" my Mum replies. "Meh it was alright. Just the same as every other day." I say while plonking the remaining letters on the table. "I'm going up to my room, call me when dinner is ready." I say wanted to get away. My mum says a simple "Ok." and let's me go to my room.

I jump onto my bed with a sigh of relief. I could honestly black out right here right now. I am exhausted. We had at least a thousand tests at school today. Putting the thought of sleep aside. I tear open the letter, careful not to rip the contents inside. Once again I see the words, 'Top Secret' I continue to read

Dear April  Swan

You are one of 15 kids invited to take part in a thrilling experiment. This experiment will take place on Wednesday 1st July. We expect the children to start arriving at 5.30 pm and to be here by 5.45 pm. We will keep the lab open for 5 more minutes just in case we have any late comers. But once it's 5.50 we will close the lab and if you aren't already here, you wont take part in the experiment. After the lab closes we will give you a tour and then we wait until 7 pm which is when we will preform the experiment. An outcome of this experiment is for you to get superpowers. The next day you will leave at 4 pm to give us time to train you. You will learn how to control your powers and we will try and make them stronger. We hope you chose to come. After all this is an opportunity of a lifetime. If you don't show up then we will just amuse that you either didn't get our letter or you want to miss out. Whatever you decide we respect your decision. But you must remember that you must never tell anyone. Even if you decide not to come.


Professor John Winston

I think I'm going crazy. There's no way that this is real. An opportunity of a lifetime! What are the odds of something like this happening to a 13 year old like me? Probably like zero to a million. This just made go my day go from down hill to up hill. As if on time my mum calls me to come down for dinner. I put on my straight face and make my way downstairs. I am so excited that I don't even stop to think about what might happen if I took part in this experiment. The only outcome they mentioned was super powers. But what else could happen? Was this risk worth taking?

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