Chapter 9: The Training Dome

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I rush to the 'dorm' room so I can be the first in the changing room. I grab my outfit, which happens to be super cute and get changed. Afterwards I wait on my bed for Ella to finish getting ready. Once she is ready we head off to the dinner hall for breakfast. Breakfast is pretty boring. Just eating and talking. Not long after we finish Kate brings us all to the training dome. 

"Okay so I will call you up one at a time and I will tell you what power we gave you. Then we will see if the experiment worked." Kate says. "First up we have....Jess."I see a girl blush and then walk up to Kate. "Okay Jess, the power we have attempted to give you is the power of healing. Now I have a bird here with injured wing. You need to try and heal its wing. Give it a try. I see the girl close her eyes and put out her hands. I can tell she is trying very hard to concentrate. She pulls her hands away from the bird and opens her eyes. "Did it work?" Jess asks with a hopeful look on her face. "Let's find out." Kate says as she lets go of the bird. The bird moves along Kate's hand before jumping off and flying into the sky. I see that Jess's face lights up as she watches the bird fly off into the distance. "Well done Jess! Now go take a seat. Next we have....Toby." Kate says at Jess is walking back to sit with us. I turn my head to see a boy, about a year younger than me stand up and walk toward Kate. 

"Toby." Kate says. "The power we have tried to give you is poison immunity. So in a few moments we will have some toxic gas fill the dome. Now everyone will get a gas mask, including you Toby. Everyone will keep they're gas masks on while the gas is in the dome. I will tell you when you can take off your masks." She turns to Toby. "When I give you a thumbs up take your mask off." Toby responded with a quick nod and then put his mask on.

Once everyone had there mask on so that the gas was unable to harm them Kate gave the signal to the people in the control desk. Slowly green gas came poring into the dome. Soon enough the entire dome was clouded in the green gas. I look in front of me to see Kate give Toby a nod. I hold my breathe as he slowly lifts his mask of his head. All of a sudden I heard someone choking. I start to panic. Had Toby's power not worked? A muffled scream comes from behind me. I turn my head to see a boy my age clutching his throat, choking. 'Oh no' I think. He took his mask off when he wasn't meant to. I see Jess trying her best to heal him and keep him alive. The gas is slowly disappearing to where it came from. But it isn't fast enough. The boy collapses as the dome clears and the gas is gone. Everyone rushes to the boy, taking there masks off. "Is he okay?" Tom asks, crouching next to the boy.

As I'm looking at the boy I hear a sob come from behind me. I turn my head to see Jess bursting with tears. "I-I...I couldn't save him." she says falling to her knees. "Jess." I say kneel down next to her. "It's okay. You only knew this was your power a couple of minutes ago. You haven't had any time to practice. It's isn't your fault." She looks up at me with pain and sadness in her eyes. "But I'm the only one that could've done something and now he's dead!" I sigh and pull her to her feet. "It's fine Jess. He had to much gas in his system anyway. At least Toby's okay. Now let's see what other peoples powers are." I see her let out a little smile as we walk towards the crowd again. 

"Hey April." A voice say from behind me. I immediately recognize the voice as Jason's. "Hey." I say turning to face him. "I just wanted to say that it was really nice what you said to Jess. I thought how you comforted her was very nice of you." He says. I honestly was shocked at his reply. I never thought he would say something like that to me. "Thanks Jason. It's nice that you noticed." I reply with a smile on my face. "Well let's get back to the group." He says pointing toward everyone. I nod and we walk over.

"Can we please have....Jake up next." A kid around Jason and Tom's age walks up to front. "So Jake, the power we have given you is the power to see peoples future. With this power you are able to see when and how someone is going to die. Let's give it a try. Can we please have a volunteer?" Wanted to know this information I raise my hand. "You can pick someone Jake." His eyes gaze over the group of kids standing in front of him. I'm near the front so hopefully I have a decent chance to get picked. Soon enough he picks someone. That someone happens to me me.

I head to the front of the crowd. I turn to face everyone and immediately see Ella in the back of the crowd with her mouth wide open. Her face tells me that she is excited for me. I playfully roll my eyes at her and smile. I look to her left and see Jason smiling at me. I smile back. He gives me a thumbs up and I turn to face Jake. I smile at him and he gives a nervous look. I give him a look saying, 'You'll be fine.' He gives me a grateful look and we turn to face Kate.

"Okay Jake. What I want you to do is concentrate on looking into her future. Give it a try." Jake puts his hands out towards me and closes his eyes. During the process I don't feel anything different but when he opens his eyes his expression is very different. "Did you see something bad?" I ask getting really worried at what my future holds. He turns to face me. It's is impossible to read his facial expression. "It's absolutely fine. Your gonna have a family and die of old age. unless of course your fate changes from now to later in your life." I breathe a sigh of relief. "That's good, and it's good that your power works." He smiles. "Yeah it is good let's go and sit down with the group."

"Next up is.....Brittney." says Kate. Urg I forgot about her. Thankfully she hasn't bothered me or my friends thing entire time. Brittney stands up and walks towards the front of the group like the snob that she is. "Now Brittney, the power we have given you is the power to see peoples dreams. So when you and other people are sleeping you can travel into other peoples dreams and see what they are dreaming. But this only works when people are sleeping so go and take a seat." Brittney's face gives an expression like. 'What?! Why did I get this power?! I'm the best person here!' However she doesn't say anything and sit down.

Soon enough everyone has gone except for me, Ella, Tom and Jason. "Ella please come up to the front of the group." I turn and see Ella is looking really nervous. After all she's the only person who found out her power before we came to the training dome. Fortunately no one has said anything so far. Ella stand up and slowly walks up to the front. I really hope she wont get in trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2018 ⏰

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