Chapter 5: A Grand Tour

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"On our right we have where you will all be sleeping while you stay here. Well more like where you will keep your stuff and just relax when you get the chance to." Kate said as we walked down one of the halls of the lab. There were lots of photos on the walls. I was near the front so I decided it would be safe just to look at some of the photos and then catch up afterwards. The photos were of the staff members at the lab, though only one caught my eye. It was a photo of the man that sent the letter to all the kids. Professor John Winston. (I'm not going to describe how he looks so you can imagine what he looks like) He didn't look like a mad scientist but you never know whats hidden beneath someone appearance. I looked down the hall and saw that the rest of the group had gone further than I thought. Satisfied with what I had saw I sprinted down the hall to catch up with the rest of the group.

As I got there Kate was just showing everyone were we will be eating while we stay here. I brought snacks but its good that we will have actual food. "The last thing I will be showing you is the room were the experiment is going to take place, now this room is where our scientists perform most of there work." says Kate. Everyone looked into the room. There were 15 beds set up with a big light over each of them. Kind of like a dentist chair. "Why hello Kate. Showing our guests around are we?" said a new voice. A male voice coming from inside the experiment room. Again we all looked over and saw a middle aged man standing in the doorway. Me, who had stayed behind and looked at those photos knew exactly who this was, however everyone else didn't. "Yes Professor. Everyone, meet Professor John Winston, some of you might recognise his name from the letter you were all sent." Lots of people's facial expressions changed from confusion to realisation. "Does anyone have any questions?" Kate asks. I raise my hand. "Yes..." Kate says. "April. Umm... are there any bad outcomes to this experiment? Well any that you know of?" I ask. I see Kate look behind her at the professor. He does a motion that's says 'tell them no.' Kate turns back around. "No April." Kate says "Nothing bad will happen. Now you guys will go put your belongings away and then you are able to relax for a bit." Dinner is at 6.30. Now of you go." says Kate and we all scurried of to the 'dorm' room.

While I walk back I can't help but think that there is something they aren't telling us. I don't know if anyone else noticed, but I sure did. I decide to keep it to myself for the time being.

Once we got there we were able to pick a bed. If you knew me you would know exactly where I was going to put my stuff, but since you probably don't, I'll let you know. I waited a couple seconds to see where a certain someone put their things, afterwards I put mine down on the bed next to him. Can you guess you who that certain someone was? You guessed it. Jason. Of course I didn't make it look like I wanted to be next to him. I just waited until he'd put his stuff down, looking around during the process, and when he had, I put mine down next to him acting as if I only just found a bed. It worked perfectly. I put my stuff down and all he did was smile at me. I smiled back. I didn't show it of course, but It was like one cupid arrows had shot through my heart. That smile was so charming it could melt even the coldest heart in a second. I looked to my left to see Ella putting her stuff on the bed next to me. It was a relief to see her instead of a complete stranger.

It's 6.15 now. There is nothing to do really. I could play on my phone. Or I could try talking to Jason. Maybe make conversation with Ella. I guess I could get to know Ella a bit better. Yeah I'll do that. She looks like she needs company anyways. And if Jason sees me being a great friend he might like me more. Well only one way to find out. "Hi Ella." I said "Are you excited for the experiment?"

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