No Funny Business

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You're now John Egbert. And you can't believe what you were just told.

EB: but, rose... that's like

EB: i'm pretty sure that's really illegal..

TT: Yes, I know, but Dave refuses to talk to any form of police about it.

TT: He proclaims that Mister Strider is all he has and if he's gone, he isn't sure what he would do.

EB: why would bro even do that? i mean, dave isn't that good looking is he??

TT: I'm starting to regret the decision of telling you this information.

EB: huh, why?

TT: This is not some juicy gossip for you to spread around town, this is your real friend dealing with real problems.

TT: It has nothing to do with the fact that his appearance may or may not be arousing, it has to do with Mister Strider's sexual desire.

TT: This is no joking matter, Dave is scared and doesn't know how to handle a situation like this.

TT: Which is where you come in.

EB: alright.. what do i do again?

TT: John, I hardly believe you're even listening. Please, pay attention.

EB: right, sorry.

TT: Do not let him know that you know. Make him feel welcome at your house. Do not try and hug or kiss him, that could possibly overwhelm him.

TT: Though if he tries to hug you, don't hold back.

TT: Are you taking notes, Johnathan?

EB: what?

TT: John, I already told you this is no joking matter. Please don't make me fly out to Washington.

EB: sorry, sorry.. yeah i've got it. no hugging first, no kissing or anything like that, and just be really nice!

TT: You are going to be the source of my future worry lines.

EB: i've got it under control, rose don't worry!

TT: I hope so.

EB: oh, gotta get going! my dad's taking me out grocery shopping. see ya rose!

--[EB] ectoBiologist ceased pestering [TT] tentacleTherapist--

TT: Good luck.

--[TT] tentacleTherapist ceased pestering [EB] ectoBiologist--

John shut his computer off with a small sigh. Was Rose seriously telling the truth? Yeah she is almost always right and accurate, but... The brunette ran his hands through his hair before going to pull his shoes on. Perhaps the car ride back would be a good time to ask his dad about Dave staying with them.

It's already been a full day and Dave thinks that he's all covered. Said he was going to be here next Thursday.. So that's four days away. Or was it that he was departing in four days? Maybe he's departing and landing here in four days.... Oh well. You know he's going to be here soon, so that's all that matters.

Dave took a deep breath, opening his bedroom door slowly. He walked out and into the kitchen, not minding his brother watching a children's show on the couch. You'd just gone in there to get some apple juice, but the next thing you know the asshole has his hands on your hips and is slowly kissing up and down your neck.

"Get the fuck off!" Dave yelled after a moment or two. 'Holy shit he's gonna punch me or something for yelling. Okay just brace yourself aaand... Never mind, just run!' The white haired kid bolted for his room, fumbling with the knob as he trie to get in.

"Leave me the hell alone you fucking perverted freak!" Dave screamed at the top of his lungs, finally opening the door and moving inside, slamming it shut. He locked it and backed away, staring at the handle. "You know, kid. I do have a key." Dave could practically feel Bro's smirk as he unlocked the door.

Here we go again.

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