Half-Brotherly Love

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((My typing for miss Lalonde is purposefully "distorted" to better understand her accent and how she annunciates, not because she's drunk or I'm drunk. Thank you for reading and enjoy!))

Dave laughed loudly, staring at Rose who had a mean scowl on her face. She nearly threw her luggage at Dave, "carry it." She mumbled, make up running and eyes bloodshot like she had been crying. "Awww, Rosey girl were you crying?" He asked with a small snicker. He continued to laugh as Rose lightly punched Dave's arm, then rest her head on his shoulder. "Heyyyy Davey!" Miss Lalonde spoke with a heavy Brooklyn accent spilling from her, yelling her greeting to the Stider loudly even though she was pretty close to Dave. "Hi Miss Lalonde." He cringed when he heard the other's piercing giggle, letting out a small laugh of his own afterward.

"Rosey's real tired after her plane royd. She just stared out the window listenin' to her music the whole time!" Miss Lalonde exclaimed. Her hair was perfectly in place, a long white coat with black fur puffing out from the hood. Her legs were all that were visible and it was obvious she had a dress on because of her pink high heels that covered her black pantyhose. Rose looked like trash compared to how fancy Miss Lalonde was dressed. "Why're y'all so dressed up? You know Christmas isn't for another... What? A week now?" The boy asked with a raised eyebrow, beginning to walk towards his car.

Rose walked beside Dave, forehead still pressed into his shoulder. The Strider soon gave in to his sister's desperate calls of comfort and wrapped an arm around her. "FYI Davey, I wanted to look nice for Mistah Egbert. Don't ya know he's fresh off the return shelf now because.. Well ya know. I'm sorrey to hear that by the way, sweetheart. I know it sucks." Miss Lalonde added, rubbing Dave's shoulder that wasn't covered in Rose. "I'm actually doing pretty okay. John's dad is like, taking me under his wing and treating me like a real son. Which is a little weird because I'm dating his actual son--" "Ohmigosh! Rosey girl told me awll about you 'n John! You two are so cute togetha, I can't wait to see what you got him for Christmas!"

Shit. He completely fucking forgot about a gift for John. Dave had been so busy applying for jobs and moving into his apartment fully and just day dreaming over John that he completely forgot. "Yeah! Eheh, it'll be a really great present!" Rose had stayed silent until then, after her mother had turned around, walking out the doors of the airport and walking over to Dave's little Volkswagen beetle parked outside. "You didn't get him anything, did you?" She mumbled, eyes closing as she clutched onto his arm for guidance instead of having to actually look. "Hey, you worry about your girlfriend and I'll worry about my boyfriend, capiche?"

"I don't have one anymore, Dave.." Was all she said after that, a frown tugging her lips downward. Dave looked at the blonde girl, sighing softly. Once they had reached the car, Dave allowed Rose's mother the keys so she could drive. Dave set both of the girls bags in the small trucking, slamming the door down to keep it closed. He then climbed into the backseat, surprised to see Rose there. "Uh, I'll sit up front then." He muttered and went to go to the front, but stopped when Rose grabbed his arm.

Dave sighed and climbed into the backseat with Rose, wincing when Miss Lalonde turned up the music way loud. He sighed though, pulling his seatbelt over his chest. Dave raised a brow when Rose had done what she had before, clutching the Strider's arm and resting her head on his shoulder again. "I'm guessing you weren't crying because of the flight, were you.." Dave made a face when Rose shook her head, "Kanaya, huh?" He heard Rose sniffle, nodding her head softly, clutching his arm a bit tighter. Luckily Miss Lalonde was too involved in her music to pay attention to the two or even hear them. Thank the fucking lord. "Rose, you don't need her. You're a strong, independent woman who don't need no girl to keep your hopes up." The white haired boy smirked, feeling a bit better that he was able to get a small laugh out of the shorter one.

"Look, Rose.. You're really great and Kanaya has no clue what the hell she's missing out on. If anything, we can find some hot girl for you to chat it up with here, okay? I'll be your wing man." Rose just shook her head sighing softly, "it's not like that.. I..." She was about to spill out all that was wrong, but her mother had turned the music down and called out, "we're here kiddies! Davey, be a gentleman and grab our bags?" The Strider nodded, kissing Rose's forehead before getting out of the car. He reached a hand out to the smaller Lalonde, pulling her up and out of the car, then into his arms. "Thanks Dave." Rose muttered, stepping on his toe to get him to release her. Dave did in fact let go, hopping back as he let out a small groan. "Ugh, fuck you Lalonde."

Dave's eyes widened when Miss Lalonde turned around, giving him the look. "Nonono, Miss Lalonde not you, you're amazing, I love you! Just wow, what a woman. Have I told you your jacket is nice? Not to mention, wow. Mister Egbert is gonna get mad happy to see you if ya know what I mean." Dave continued to just spur out compliments to Miss Lalonde, going over to take her hand kiss the back of it. "Hmph." She clicked her tongue to her teeth before swiping her hand back, going to the front door. Dave sighed, glaring at Rose, but only did so for a bit knowing how upset she must've been. Dave then went to grab the girls' things, carrying them inside.

John and Mister Egbert were already greeting their guests at this point, hugging each other. Dave looked over at Rose who was forcing a smile as she talked to Mister Egbert, then gave him a long hug. "Hey, they're sleeping...where?" "Ah, hello Dave. In the guest room, between John's room and mine." Dave nodded and brought the bags up huffing after he had finished. Dave then turned to leave, but was greeted by a wilted Rose.

"Oh, shit hey. Didn't even hear you come up." "Yeah.." Rose mumbled, chewing on the edge of her sweater's sleeve. "Can we sit? And like, talk? My mother brought up one of her dumb science stories, the Egberts seem oddly interested so they shouldn't be a problem." Dave just nodded, going to pull Rose's bag off of the bed she was to sleep on and placed it on the ground before sitting. Rose sat beside the Strider and sighed, pressing her back against the wall adjacent to the mattress. "So what's up, Rosey?" Dave questioned in a very sweet voice, trying to keep Rose calm and collected.

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