How Could You?

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John sighed, watching Dave as he stuffed his face of saucy, cheesy goodness. John only ate one or two slices, leaving the rest for the obviously starving blonde. John couldn't get it out of his head. Dave never really said that he love John too.. At least not out loud. "I uh, you know, feel the same way man. About the love thing," was what he really said. John even called him out on it! But still, nothing.

The brunette shook his head, eyes lowering to peer out the window, watching his father's car drive up the driveway. "Hey Dave?" He asked, still not even looking at the other.

"Hm?" Dave's head perked up, wiping the remaining crumbs on his face with a napkin. "What's up?" The taller one asked, looking at John's face. John looked pretty upset, either that or uncomfortable. "Do you, would you think it was weird if i told you that uh.."

Come on, just say it! Just tell him tell him now! "Yeah..?" Dave asked, eyebrows furrowing at the stuttering mess that was John Egbert. "If I told you that I wanted to be your boyfriend?" He asked, seemingly bold blue eyes now shutting as they trembled with fear, his heart beating quickly as the question still lingered in the air.

Dave's heart stopped, thoughts in his mind drifting around like the cold snowflakes that were beginning to fall outside. "I would never-" with that, the door swung open and the older Egbert cMe barreling through with grocery bags on either of his arms and snow covering his fedora. "What're you up to, boys?"

Never pass up the chance. Why did Dave leave it up in the air as 'I would never.' The blonde could see the disappointment and near anger in the other's eyes. "Alright. I understand." John said, trying not to snap. The brunette stormed up to his room and slammed the door, burying his face in the pillow as he began to bawl.

"Fucking christ." Dave mumbled as he bit his lip, tears welling up inside him. He knew John wouldn't believe anything he said to him now. Dave looked up at the other Egbert who had been almost done putting away the groceries now, a minute or so later sitting across from Dave, arms folded and looked at him. "Boy, what did you say to my son?"

Dave immediately got defensive, shaking his hands in front of his body. "No, no sir, see John asked if it was weird that he wanted to be my boyfriend.. I was going to say I would never pass up the chance, but then you barged in.. In a uh, you were very respectful, sir. Don't take offense to that please, I love you as a father mister Egbert, you just ruined a huge chance for me to have, like an amazing relationship."

Dadbert just glared at Dave for a completely different reason, eyes narrowing. "What a fucking dumb way to word it. You couldn't have just said, I would love to? Or no it's not weird. Seriously, boy you're terrible with words, I'm sorry." Dave's eyebrows were non-existent as they just kept raising up now, head shaking. "No no, yes I know it was terrible word choice, I just.. I don't know."

The older Egbert stood and grabbed the color of Dave's shirt and pulled him up. "You march up their now and ask that boy on a date or go for a walk outside, something. If you're going to love him and take care of him, that's better than him being alone. I'm not completely grateful that you will be taking him from me someday, I know you will David, but at least do me a favor and ensure that he'll be happy for all the time that I won't be able to when I eventually pass on. I'm not all that young as you know. Now get your ass up there and do something extravagant otherwise I'll have to kick you outta my house."

Dave just looked baffled at first, but went to hug the other after he had finished speaking, his smile growing wider and wider. "You will not regret it, sir I promise." Dave started to head up the stairs, but was stopped when Mister Egbert called his name again. "Do me proud, son." He said with a light nod, and knowing that John's dad not only had given him his blessing, but accepted him as his son in law didn't just make him happy, it relieved him and just gave him that warm fuzzy feeling inside he'd only gotten when he first saw John and every time after.

"John, I'm coming in don't throw shit at me.." The blonde walked in only to be met with a shoe at his leg, "alright, ow and fuck you." He sighed and glared at the crying mess on the bed before shaking his head, closing the door behind him. "John what I said.. I worded it weird, I really did. I meant to tell you that just, yes I would love to be your boyfriend. I just couldn't say anything."

John's crying seemed to die down a bit, a sniffle coming from him as he sat up and looked at Dave with big blue eyes staring up at the blonde. "Don't gimme that look, man.. Hey, how about you and me go out for a walk a bit? Chill out, get some alone time, get you out of this stuffy room?" Dave smiled softly, honestly trying all he could to get the other up.

Dave grabbed John's hand and held it tight, pulling him along as he headed downstairs. Soon thy were both outside all bundled up to brace for the light snow and Dave just looked back at the now pouting John. He still looked upset and angry, but Dave was going to anything to make it up to him. Even if that meant facing his fears. He was going to have to ask John to be in a committed, boyfriend boyfriend relationship. And god damn did Dave suck with commitment. He'd never really been with just one guy, but that was mostly because of Bro's asshole antics.

Dave pulled John to a spot on the porch, sitting down in the chair. The blonde looked up and laughed softly when he saw Mister Egbert shutting the blinds to the windows that overlooked the porch, but sighed when he looked back at John who continued to pout. "John, please sit? I actually need to ask you something important.."

He was reluctant, but eventually sat close to Dave, the only reason for such closeness being that he was freezing.. Only because of that..

John raised a brow lightly when Dave took both of his hands, "John, I want to step up and I want to tell you that I love you a lot.. And, I want to.. To commit myself to you and only you. Y'know, you're just the most amazing guy I've ever met and everything about you is just.. It's just so perfect.. John I'd really love it if you were my boyfriend." Dave said, looking at John with a small smile.

John was still pouting and shifted a bit, looking elsewhere when Dave had gone silent. The blonde looked upset now, biting his lip, "I mean it's really alright if y'all wanna just stay friends, I get it..." "Why would you ever think that I'd want to," John asked, looking at Dave like he was crazy. Dave just sighed and rubbed the back of his neck mumbling now, "I uh, I dunno.. I just kinda thought.."

John just smiled wide and kissed Dave's lips softly, his hand cupping the other's cheek, "why would you ever think I'd want to be just friends?" He asked with a little giggle, sniffling from the runny nose he had gotten from the outside air. Dave just shook his head and pulled John into another kiss, his slightly dry and chapped lips pushing against John's nice and soft ones thanks to chapstick.

Dave pulled away after a short amount of time and just smiled at John, cupping his face still. "I love you, John." Dave mumbled, pressing a kiss to his cheek and down some. "I love you too," John giggled out pushing Dave playfully when he'd tried to kiss his neck.

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