Sunshiny Sister

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Rose started to bawl despite Dave's tone of voice. She was so upset, and it wasn't even her fault. "I tried.. I tried, Dave.. Kanaya moved to New York for some fashion job or whatever.. We stayed in touch and I planned on taking a train there since it was so close, but m-my mom, she said I had to cancel them.. She didn't explain this to me until last second that we were coming here.. Kanaya she just, she got so upset with me. Of course we had a fight prior to this talking of how we were losing touch..." Rose buried her face into Dave's chest and sobbed, feeling the comfort of the other's hand rubbing along her back. "I..told her about how I started to steal my mother's liquor and she got even more upset. I just, mother seems so happy when she had it... I knew that such an assumption that alcohol would cure pain was ridiculous, but..." She shook her head and balled Dave's shirt up in her fists. "I accused... I-I accused my beloved o-of cheating, Dave.."

Dave's eyebrows furrowed, but he soon shook it off and brought Rose into his lap. His voice was soft and low, holding Rose in a tight embrace. "Rosey posey.." He said with a small smile, fingers brushing through the girl's blonde hair. "You're getting upset over something so silly.. So you drank a little? I promise you will not end up like your mother, I won't allow you to okay? As for Kanaya, tell her you were drunk and that you didn't accurately accuse her and use all your big words that you know in your big head."

Rose nodded slowly, hugging Dave tight as she sniffled and sighed. "Yeah.. Alright, Dave...thanks.." She pulled away and smiled softly, turning to look at the door when she heard it open slowly. John walked in and waved shyly, rubbing his arm after. "Uh, dinner is ready.." He said gently, walking over to rub Rose's shoulder softly. "John, if I were you I would get out, seriously. I'll tell you why later, but don't stay in here another second, okay?" John frowned at what Dave said, but obeyed and left after stealing a quick kiss. "Come down soon!"

"Thanks... You know how much I hate people seeing me in such a horrid place. Other than you of course, but I've seen you in worse." Rose explained as she pulled away from her brother and stood up. She wiped away he tears and went to look in the mirror. She began to fix her hair and rub off her makeup from her face and lips. "Alright.. I'll uh, be down in a few okay? Tell them to start without me I just have to send something quick to Kanaya."

Dave nodded and moved over to his younger sister, kissing her forehead like he usually would when she was scared or upset. "Dave?" Her voice was quiet when she spoke, looking at the taller one with dark purple eyes that were still glossed over with a few tears. "Yeah?" He asked, keeping his arm around Rose for the time being. "You're a pretty great big brother.." The white haired boy just smiled and rolled his eyes before pulling away from his sister, "yeah yeah, just quit the sap and come downstairs before John comes back in and freaks."

With that, Dave was heading downstairs, telling the group that Rose demanded they start without her. Of course everyone objected this idea completely which just made Dave groan as his stomach growled. "Ugh, y'all are trying to kill me aren' you?" Mister Egbert just began making his plate, humming softly. "Just make your plate, don't eat just yet." "Are you fucking kidding me? That's even worse! Then the delicious food smell is right in front of my nostrils." John looked at his father who then looked at Miss Lalonde, "Davey, if you keep up that language I'mma haff to wash yer mouth out with soap!" The curly haired blonde laughed, but piped down when she saw Rose stepping down into the dining/living room area.

The kitchen was right next to the living room, dining table set in between the two so it was hard to come up with an exact spot the table was in. That's unimportant though because wowie Rose is looking hot as hell with her oversized periwinkle hoodie that went down to her mid thighs and black leggings that were covered at the ankle by purple wooly socks. Her makeup was off and she just looked normal, pale white skin, bright purple lips, and...oh god her lips were actually pink? A normal color? Surely this was wrong... Wait.. My lips are naturally pink..maybe Rose's black lips weren't some weird birth defect? Wait, wasn't there some thing about lipstick? It was like colored chapstick right? Holy shit those whole time... Let's just keep that to ourself, Dave. Good call, Dave. Thanks, Dave.

The girl sat down across from Dave, smiling over at Mister Egbert, then at John. "Sorry for the wait.. I, see you didn't heed my call about the food.. Well uh, I don't mean to sound like the 'head honcho' and start telling everyone to do here, but dig in!" The smaller Lalonde said as she slabbed a decent amount of spinach onto her plate.

There was a bit of small talk and chatting throughout the dinner, but soon they had finished and Miss Lalonde and Mister Egbert were washing the dishes together. The three musketeers headed up into John's room to hang out a lone for a while, all three sitting on the floor as they were laughing and smiling, including Dave. "Ew, John are you serious?" The brunette laughed as he nearly fell backwards, "pfff, heh..! Yeah! A-and..oh my god, then afterwards she asked if I wanted.."

But then you start paying attention toMiss Lalonde and Mister Egbert and miss out on the hilarious joke John had just told. Wow, that was one hilarious joke. You should've been there. Even Rose was practically bawling from how hilarious it was, not caring how dumb she looked as she laid on the ground with her legs kicking softly in the air. Wow. That was just so gosh darn funny.

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