What a Day

363 17 4

To the blonde's surprise there was a hand on his shoulder, softly holding it until he was able to kneel down and hug Dave properly. When his red eyes opened, he looked through his shades at the brown mess of hair next to his head. "John..?" He mumbled, almost immediately feeling his heart rate go down. "Did he leave yet?" The blonde asked, obviously still afraid, but not showing it now that he knew who was in the room with him.

John shook his head, frowning lightly, "I'm afraid not, but my dad's handling it.. Are you okay?" He asked, just rubbing the other's back soothingly. The brunette let out a small yelp as he was pulled quickly to Dave's chest, practically being crushed in his arms. "Dave..Dave I-I can't breathe..!"

The blonde loosened his grip, feeling tears stream down his face when he pulled away. He didn't make a sound as he cried though, knowing he had to be quiet so Bro wouldn't hear him. "Dave, can you please tell me what's really been happening between you and your brother?" John asked, only whispering as he cupped the other's face.

John's hands were freezing, his icy finger tips feel good pressed against my skin though.. Damn I probably look like a huge dick all flustered and sniffly. Why now? Why today? Why at all did Bro have to come? How did he even find out? Dave just sighed, nodding softly, "look, he just.. Likes me a lot I guess. We strife, he fixes me up, all that good stuff, kisses my boo boos," John let out a little laugh at the mention of 'boo boos,' "and then he just.. Takes it a bit further unfortunately.." Dave sighed, starting to push John away at this point.

The room was silent or a good minute, the only thing heard were two voices yelling from downstairs and the boys' breathing. It was like you could actually here Dave's heartbeat as the yelling became louder and there was something that sounded to be a struggle. John was well aware of his father's late night phone calls to Mister Strider and I'm sure once he had confronted him and asked about what had happened, he wasn't too happy.

"Mister Egbert, please. I just came here for my kid." The tall and lanky blonde tried to explain. "Your kid? Dirk, you know damn well he's not rightfully yours. You're just lucky Roxy was too busy with her work to worry about you stealing her god forsaken child!"

"Our child." Bro corrected, stepping closer as if to challenge the shorter man, though Mister Egbert did not back down. "You never wanted anything to do with him until Roxy had raised him to be a toddler. Dave wouldn't stay with you for a second if he had the choice. Do not make me get the police involved."

Bro scowled at Mister Egbert when he said that then called out, "Dave, get your ass down here before I come up there." John's dad just stared down the taller man, shaking his head. "What are you planning?" He spat out, gritting his teeth as he awaited Dave's arrival.

Dave clung to John when he heard Bro yell for him, "dude no come on you have to come with me please?" Dave was practically begging John now, holding onto his arm. "Dave, Dave shh. I'll go with you, just calm down alright?" The brunette sighed and stood up, helping the blonde to his feet.

Each step Dave took felt more and more nauseating. One foot down, creaking just enough on the step to make his shoulders tense up.

"So, you were here. I knew it. Dave, you're coming home n-"
"You're not in charge of me. I'm a legal adult and you're also pretty illegally taking care of me, aren't you?" Dave stood tall, his chest puffed out in just the slightest, anything to boost his confidence. "Dave, kid, don't listen to Mister Egbert, he wants you to stay here to get back at me for dumping him. He wants to take you from me, li'l man."

Dave's fists clenched as Bro stepped closer, no one did anything to stop him though, Dadbert knew he had no chance against the stringer male, and John was hardly able to lift a math textbook, as if. Dave didn't move as Bro's fingers caressed the smaller blonde's cheek, "don't you want to come home with me, babe.." He whispered to Dave, pushing the other's hair back slowly, running his finger just below Dave's ear, causing him to shiver.

Dirk knew all of Dave's sensitive spots, and below his ear was one of his biggest. "You know I take care of you.." He whispered in Dave's ear, still running his finger along Dave's sensitive skin.

"Fuck you... I'd rather f-fucking die than live with you again.." He mumbled, glaring into Dirk's shades before forcing his knee up into the taller one's crotch with a smirk. As Bro doubled over in pain, Dave pushed him down, his foot pressed to his chest. "John, call the cops will ya?"

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