Chapter 10

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Celeste Pov:
Heyyy Everybody I'm Celeste I just turned 17 and if y'all know I'm Cherish little sister.Yes,I'm pregnant and by this dude named Ricardo.He's 21 My dad was really pissed since the dude works with him.Right now I'm living off Rico (Ricardo nickname).And I want to keep the baby ,but he's against it.
"Rico!!I need t talk to you"I shouted
"Wassup babe"he said
"Umm well earlier today I was feeling well and I also missed my period,so I think I'm pregnant"I said with a smile
"Are u gonna keep it"He asked
I looked at him with an hurt expression
"Of course!"I said
"Well I don't want to keep it.Im not ready for no damn child!"
"So here's the money for the abortion and I want you to go to the center tomorrow"he said while throwing 3 stacks in my lap before getting up.
I was hurt I couldn't believe that he didn't want me to keep the child!I damn sure not killing my baby!
"Hey bae"Rico said while hovering over me.
See,Rico is about 6"6 while I'm 5'4 he's light skin and Puerto Rican.
"So did u get the abortion"he asked
"Yes,yes I did"I lied
I actually went to the doctors early this morning to see how far along I am and to see if the baby healthy.I really hopes he doesn't find out.

Isaiah Pov:
I woke up to hear shuffling downstairs I looked over next to me and realized that Cherish wasn't there.All the memories from last came into my mind and
I started smiling.I got up and brushed my teeth and put on some basketball shorts and and white tee-Shirt.I walked downstairs to see her cooking breakfast.
"Hey good morning"she said smiling
"Morning"I said
"What u cooking"I asked
"Umm,Grits,sausage,bacon,Strawberry pancakes,and toast,with orange juice."she said
"Oh okay sounds good"I said while licking my lips
She fixed two plates and them down on the table ,then she Fixed two glasses of Oj and sat the carton down on the table.
"Um is it okay if I get want one of your tee-shirts"She said I notice she had pancake mix and other stuff on hers
"Yeah"I said
She headed upstairs,then there was an knock at the door I hopped up and went to the door revealing Shonda.
"What do u want"I asked
"Can I come in"she asked
She rolled her eyes and shoved right pass me and went in I closed the door.
"Ooo u cooked"she said while heading to the kitchen
"Don't touch shit!What the fuck do U want?!"i yelled
"Well I wanted to-gco"
"Are u okay"Cherish said while coming down the stairs
"Who the fuck is this bitch"Shonda asked
"Bitch?who u calling an bitch?U better learn your place before I put u in it.Coming over here smelling and looking like u was just on all fours"Cherish Said While walking back into the kitchen.
"Sh she staying here?and she we..wearing your clothes"she said with hurt in her eyes
"Girl the fuck outta here with there that ,u was just an quick fuck"I said while opening the door and pushing her out of it.
*skip to afternoon*
Unknown POV:
"Yeah boss she's walking into the mall now"unknown said
"Okay don't make yourself noticed"I said
I'm so happy to do this to get revenge.I so happy this plan is going super well.
"Okay Boss She is going into PINK and she is on the phone"I said
"Well go in and see who she taking to"Boss said
I walked into the store while looking at random stuff and heard her conversation
"Yes I'm Okay Isaiah"she said
" just feel like someone is ..whatever..fuck you too..bye boo"That's what I heard bits and pieces.I furrowed my eyebrows when I heard "bye boo"Oh yeah this hoe is going to get what she deserves!
"Did u get anything"Boss said snapping out my thoughts.
"No just bits and pieces"I said
"Okay well just leave the note"he said
Cherish Pov:
I just got off the phone with Isaiah and I felt like someone was watching me so as I left out the mall I grabbed my knife out of the bottom of my purse.
When I got to my car I seen the words "YOUR"E TIME IS UP"Ingraved on the side of my bmw.I also seen an note.
I quickly got inside my car and headed towards Isaiah house so I can show him.

1)who is unknown?
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I didnt proofread!!

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