Chapter 11

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Cherish Pov
I was texting Isaiah telling him about my car.I looked up and saw an black zooming towards me.I tried dodging it but I end swerving off of the road and the car hit  me head-on.I opened my eyes and saw 2 people walking towards me.I figured one of them was an girl because I saw she had on a bra,and I figured the other figure was a man.I saw the girl pour something onto a rag.I grabbed an piece of glass ,stood up and charged at her.I punched her in the nose and the jaw and tried running away.She pulled me by my hair and the guy took the rag and put it over my face that's the last thing I remembered before passing out.

I woke up on an cold Concrete.I squinted my eyes so I could adjust to the light ,I had am banging headache.I tried moving my arm but they were chained down.My legs were also.I heard the door opening.
"You're awake great"I heard an familiar voice say
"Help me!help"I said
"Oh nobody is going to hear you"He said
"Dre"I questioned
"Yes babygirl it's me"he said while caressing my cheek,I moved my face.
"What am I doing here"I asked
"Well u see you're friend Isaiah broke into my trap about an month ago and never returned my stuff.He destroyed my whole trap and shot some of my men"He said
"What does any of this have to do with me!you're an bitxh this happened an month and you still trying to get back at him Asshole."I said not trying to sound scared.
He drew his hand back and punched me in my nose.I felt blood leaking out of my nose as hot tears streamed down my face.
"Shadow !Trigga!"I heard when two guards walked in.One of them was light skin and had tattoos going all the way down his left arm.I figured he was trigger since it was an gun on his right hand.Shadow was an dark-skin with dreads an few tattoo and he had an tear drop on the side of his face.He looked at me and gave me an nasty face.I don't like u either bitch I said to myself.I watched as Dre took out an phone an dial a number.

Isaiah Pov
It was now going on 11 pm and Cherish left at 5.She was telling me something about her car saying that It had something on the said of it and now she is not answering none of my calls or texts and I'm getting worried.As I was about to leave I got an call it read unknown...
"Hello"I said
"Help me !Shut up bitch"was what I heard then I knew it was Cherish.
"Hello Isaiah if u didn't know this is Dre.And here I have your precious little girlfriend here with me.She's not my girlfriend.So we are going to play a little game.U bring my stuff or It's cherish life"He said
"U little bitch ,You want war u have it"I said while texting the guys on my trap phone.I was ready to kill this motherfucker!
5 mins later
"What took y'all so long to get here!"I said frustrated
"Traffic"they said
"Whatever look Dre has Cherish and said we have to have his stuff or it's Cherish life."I said
"Did he give u an address or something"Ej asked
"No but he did call me"
"Let me see the phone"Toni asked while taking out his computer and trying to track the number.
Btw in this chapter I'm going to be switching Isaiah and Cherish's Pov back and forth.

Cherish Pov
I hate being here!All they do is talk about my body and Say how they gon "hit it from the back"Right now it's only trigga in here and the only thing have on is an tee-shirt and shorts.He keeps staring at me and licking his lips.They gave me food which was chicken,mashed potatoes,peas,and water.I was scared to eat because I thought they poisoned it but I eventually ate it.They moved me to the bed and only my arms are tied down.
"U have an sexy body"Trigga said
"Can u leave me alone"I said
"No I can't u just too sexy I have to get some of that"he said while kissing down my neck
I spit in his face and kicked him in the balls.Only to be punched in the stomach and face.Hot tears  streamed down my face as he tried to remove my shorts.I kept screaming stop and every-time I tried kicking him he would punch or slap me.
"Shut up bitch!"He said while slapping me
He eventually pulled down my shorts.He unbuckled his pants.But before he could do anything else Dre bussed through the door
"We have an problem"he said while looking at me and trigga
"What were h Doing nigga"he asked
"Nothing"He said
Isaiah Pov
We finally found where this nigga is holding Cherish at.We made our plan and strapped up and loaded up everything we needed.We pulled up to this old warehouse.We walked up to the door and I kicked it down.We started shooting every nigga in sight.We got to the back and saw stairs leading down to a basement.We went i there and u saw Cherish.I ran over to her and untied her.
"Omg Isaiah"she said while looking at me
"Yeah it me ,can u walk"I asked her
"No my legs are to weak"she said I picked her up bridal style and ran out.I put her in the van.Then I turned and saw Dre he shot at me.
"Omg Isaiah stay with me"cherish but that's the last thing I heard


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I didnt proofread
Shadow in the mm

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