Chapter 12

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At the hospital
"We need an nurse he's shot"i yelled with tears coming down cheeks
They said when couldn't come back there so I just sat down.It was me ,Toni,cj,Ej,Chad,Chasity,Isabella,and I'm guessing Isaiah mom.Chasity came over trying to console me saying that it will be okay.We been in here for almost 3 hours and we haven't heard anything.I haven't eaten or bathed.And I have Isaiah blood all over me.
"Family of Isaiah Maleek Scott"the doctor said
"Well i have good new and bad news ,which will u like to hear first"Doc said
"Does it fucking matter!Just tell us"Toni yelled
"Well we were able to remove the bullet.But he is in an coma and we don't know when he'll wake up"doc said
I just stood there in shock and started crying.Mama Lauren(Isaiah mom)came over telling me that I can go in and see him.I got on the elevator and Walked down to his room number.I walked in and saw him hooked up to all these cords.He had an bandage covering where he got shot at and he also had a breathing tube.I just held his hand while I said This to him:
Hey it's me Isaiah I wanna thank you for saving me from that bastard Dre.You are such an amazing friend and I really want u to wake up.I never told this but when I first met you I thought you were an cold-hearted thug that didn't give an fuck about anybody feelings and I thought you only cared about yourself.But when we started hanging out and getting to know each other I seen an Sweet,handsome,goofy Isaiah.I now have feelings for you.I never had the pride to say that when you were awake because I didn't know if you felt the same about me.You tell me I am beautiful,smart and everything else.When we kissed that night I felt something between else that I never felt with Dre.*sniffles*Umm you are so amazing because look at you laying here because u took a bullet to help save me and now u have me ...Falling for a thug.

I got up kissed his cheek and headed home to take an shower and get some rest.Ill be back in the morning.

Isaiah Pov:
I am I. This dark place and it feels like an dream.I can hear feel when somebody touches me and what everybody says.No matter how hard I try I can't open my eye nor move.I know cherish just left and she said she has feeling for me.I wish I could just wake up or give her sign that I feel the same about her.

Dre Pov
Wassup everybody my name Dre and I'm 18.Yes I shot isaiah and I Hope is dead.Me and Shonda are boyfriend and girlfriend and we moved out of the country so I doubt of Isaiah Bitch ass is going to find us.

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Short chapter I know 👎🏾
Shonda and Dre In the mm

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