Insane | Out

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Insane | Out

mori's pov

I find it quite odd that I didn't wake up in my own bed the next morning. This place was definitely not the SH. Everything about it was completely different. From decorations to the smell as well. Looking down at my body I notice that I still had on my blue dress on from the other night. The slight headache I had seemed to get a little worse second by second. You know how you get that feeling that something bad is going to happen? Yeah, I currently have that feeling and I don't know why.

Standing up to my feet I stretched my tense limbs until I heard some of my body parts pop. Without heels on, I walked out the bedroom I was in. The cold marble floor made me shiver since I was barefoot. Looking left and right, I had no idea where to go. The hallway I was in was pretty long with lots of doors but then I saw an archway around the corner and decided to follow it. That got me out of the hallway and into the huge, and very extravagant living room area. Where I found Zayn smoking.

"Hey handsome," I get his attention, smiling at him softly before he nodded his head at me, blowing smoke through those perfect lips of his. They were a shade of a pretty pink, and they looked so delicious.

When I sat down next to him on the couch he puts out his cigarette against the ashtray and gave me his full attention, "You sleep well?" He asked me.

"Yeah, thank you for last night," I tell him warmly. "I truly appreciate everything honestly."

"It's the least I can do," he shrugs effortlessly.

"You know, we work pretty well together," I smirk.

"Yeah..except for the first time," he snorted making fun of me. I punched his arm which made him laugh, so beautiful I may add. "Just kidding," he says.

Soon a phone started ring quite loudly around the living room. Zayn got up from the couch quickly to answer the shiny black walk phone that was in this area. When he answered it his face changed by the second. As if he was told some horrible news. I stayed in my seat and watched how his terrified eyes met with my calm ones. And that bad feeling came back.

"We have to go," Zayn slammed the phone back on the hook, looking at me with a serious expression on his face.

"Is everything okay?" I wonder worriedly, what could have happened that involves me?

"Harry just called me, the SH had been shot up. We have to go now Mori," he rushes...and I still caught every word he said.

And that bad feeling I had just now worsened.

I got up from the couch as quickly as I could. Finding that room I was in, going in there and grabbing my stuff. The moment I met back up with Zayn he had his jacket and shoes on ready to go. I then followed out with him. Wondering if everything was gonna be okay. And god I hoped so.

Zayn had went over the speed limit, rushing to my side of town. Neither of us spoke a single word even though I'm pretty sure that we both had many questions. Our location itself was highly classified, and only a few people knew where we stayed. I wondered was anybody hurt, or even killed. My stomach began to churn in the most awfullest way. And I hope I'm still dreaming.

When we arrived at the SH I noticed that the gates were ran down. Both of us had to get out of the car, walking around the gate just to get to the house that had the front door wide open. The windows were broken and the plants outside was completely trashed. As I walked inside the house my body came to a halt, noticing the blood and two familiar lifeless bodies on the floor. The gang was near and it was completely silent. Harry supporting himself against the bottom of the staircase with a gun in his hand.

"They were like this when we came here this morning," croaked Dev who had tears falling down his face, staring at Vance and Antonio who were on the ground dead. "It was too late when we got here."

I slowly walked closer. The tears in my eyes began to race down my face hotly. My two brothers were gone. And it had felt that my world had flipped itself upside down.

"You killed my own, I kill some of yours," read a small note that Barnard was holding in his shaking hands. "It's said it from Lonzo."

"Lonzo?" Zayn spoke up, making eye contact with Harry. "Why is Lonzo apart of this?"

"Don't give me that bullshit!" Harry had whipped out his gun and pointed it at Zayn. "It's all your fucking fault."

"Harry, calm down," I say looking at him with teary eyes. And then the unexpected happened.

"Shut the fuck up!" Harry had exploded on me and pointed the gun right at me. Those eyes showing nothing but anger and hate when he looked at me. I began to feel so small and scared. What have I done?

I raise my hands up slowly, trying to walk towards him, "Harry look I—,"

"And don't come near me or I swear to god that I will put a bullet through your skull," he threatened adjusting his hand on the gun, his index finger sitting right on the trigger to take me out.

"Harry," I beg. "Please listen."

"No, the reason why they are dead is because you guys!" Harry yelled looking at us both.

"We didn't do anything," I try to tell him, my hands shaking and heart thumping out of my chest so much that I felt like I was going to collapse with everything that was going on.

"Don't give me that shit," Harry scowled. "I know you two did it. Last night, the both of y'all went to kill Pizo. Now am I correct?"

Zayn tried to even speak up for himself, "Harry we—,"

"Am I fucking correct?" Harry repeated looking at him.

"Yes," Zayn answered defeatedly.

"Harry I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at us," I beg softly.

"See, that's the thing about you Mori," he hissed at me. "You don't fucking get it. You genuinely don't get, do you? I said that Pizo was my problem, and I meant that shit Mori."

"I'm sorry," I cry out. "I didn't mean for this to happen."

"No you're not," Harry chuckled coldly. "It's too late now. Lonzo killed Vance and Antonio. You can't say sorry, it won't bring them back."

"Harry," I plead. "Just give me another chance. I swear I'll make it right again."

He shook his head, "No, you can't. You put this gang in danger and I won't allow anything like this to happen again. So you're out of here Mori. You're done."

"W-What?" I stutter, my world now totally collapsing as seconds went by. More tears began to stream down my face. "Harry please, you can't do this to me."

"Get out of my fucking sight or I'll kill you myself," Harry raised the gun at me again. A cold look in his eyes, and I knew that he was being completely serious.

Zayn once again tried to speak up, "Harry, you got to me kidding me right no—,"

"Don't speak to me," Harry told Zayn coldly. "I don't consider you as a friend anymore. You're not welcomed around me, my gang, or this side of the city."

It was nothing but silence after that. I looked at the gang and none of them would even look me in the eyes, not even Bazzi. My vision was blurry from all the tears falling down my face. And without another word I turned back and walked out of the house I used to call home.



- BookOfBandz

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