C h a p t e r ➸ 37

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It had been a little over a week since Korosensei's death, and it still weighed heavy on class-E minds. However, it wasn't really a bad thought, it was more of recalling everything that he had done for them. With the reward money being split between them they had decided to buy the hill that their old classroom sat on, this left the students with a little money of their own left over.

The sun was setting on a nice warm day as Karma and Kaji walked together. They didn't have any certain place they were going but they were just strolling around town, happy to be in each other's presence.

"Have anything in mind of what you are going to do with your left of the share?" Karma said, breaking their long silence.

Kaji hummed to herself, thinking for a moment before answering. "Probably just putting it away for later," there was a short pause that followed, then a small smile appeared across her lips. "And I also have an entire mafia budget behind me, so it's not that big of a deal for me." Karma gave a soft chuckle. "Fair enough."

"Do you?" Kaji said, "have any ideas about your share?"

"Same, probably." Karma said with a shrug. "Just putting it away for later use."

There was another long pause before a thought crossed through Kaji's mind. She felt her throat grow dry as she thought about it. She turned to gaze at Karma, searching her mind for the correct words. "Would you have really missed me that much?"

There was a very short pause, the mood in the air suddenly shifted. Karma gave a short questioning hum. Kaji made the decision to repeat her question. "Back when I, died, and when I woke back up you looked rather-"

"Relived?" Kaji was rather surprised about Karma finishing her statement. He stopped walking, and turned to look at Kaji. His amber eyes looked worried.

"We all really thought you were gone," his voice sounded heavy, there was a short pause and he looked as if he was searching for the correct words. "I thought you were really gone, that I wouldn't really see you again." Kaji said nothing, she couldn't think of a response. She just stood there and stared up at Karma.

Kaji then smiled, causing a puzzled look to appear on Karma's face. "I just realized what you remind me of." Karma's expression alone told her that he was curious of what it was. "Your like a dog."

"A dog?" Karma looked rather confused and intrigued.

"Like one of those protective ones. You act very tough and scary when you really are just a little sweet puppy on the inside."

Karma's face went bright red, and Kaji couldn't help but feel proud of herself. Kaji's gaze feel downward, she reached forward and grabbed Karma's hand, grasping it tightly. "I'm glad that you would of missed me." There was a short pause, "Well," Karma said, squeezing Kaji's hand, "I did make a promise, didn't I?" Kaji had nearly forgotten about it.

Kaji looked up as Karma pulled the necklace out from under his shirt. "I have been rather bad about keeping it but, it's still there."

"That's alright," Kaji said, "I'm sure you'll make it up." There was a hint of humor in Kaji's tone. They both smiled.

"Karma," There was a hum for a replay, "thank you."

"For what? Poking fun at you for a whole year? Following you around like a lost dog? Doing everything I can to try and irritate you?"


With a smile, Karma pulled Kaji closer to him, wrapping his free arm around her. He spoke softly, "Kaji."


"Ich liebe dich."

Kaji felt her heart skip a beat, just hearing those three words. I love you. Kaji nuzzled herself closer to Karma, feeling her chest tighten with emotion. She smiled brightly.

"Ich liebe dich."

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now