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New Friend for Zach?

Jonahs POV
After a little bit Daniel, Jack, Corbyn, Christina, and our parents went to the hospital to make sure Zach is ok. We checked in as a visitor and saw Zach alive.
Sitting in the hospital bed all alone staring at the ceiling. He looked lost in thought. We all went in the just Corbyn, Jack, Daniel, and Christina. Our parents waited in the waiting room. When Zach saw us he looked scared and realized it was just us and he looked instantly relived but looked a bit scared of Christina. Corbyn then introduced him to her. Turns out Christina is really nice.
We all talked for a little and told jokes and such to try to bring up the mood from earlier, but that was hard extremely hard.
We decided to play 20 questions
When it went to Zach he said something. 3 quotes sad ones......
*The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.
*Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will rip my skin apart
*It's really difficult when you feel like you don't have anyone.
Jack: Zach...I am sorry for bullying you.
Zach: I forgive you, but please no more bullying. My life was already messed up before. Now today made it broken.
Zach: I forgive a lot, but I never forget what's said and done, just know that.
Jack: Ok...
After more and more talking we all became close friends and got each other's numbers. It was still hard though to not cry. But the think is I don't even know who is all dead I just know that when this is over I'm well... all of us survivors are gonna need a lot of therapy.

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