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⚠️Language warning ⚠️

Living Hell

Corbyns POV
There are five stages of grief. They look different on all of us, but there are always five.

My sister Ashely died in the shooting and they just identified her body. It's been maybe 3 months or more since the shooting and school starts up again next week, and I'm not ready for it at all.

Jonahs POV
My best friend and girlfriend died in the shooting all the memories still haunt me everyday every night, and school starts back up again next week I'm not ready and I'm petrified.

Zachs POV
Guess what!!

The scary hell hole starts up next week.

Yay........I wanna die now.

~1 week later~

Daniels POV.
School starts back up again and I'm not ready for it at all and I'm not ready. I'm actually terrified to go. Everything good and bad has basically happened there or around there and my house. I'm not ready.

~1 hour later~
I walked into the school parking lot. I stop walking and take a deep breath and walk in. I go to my locker. I grab my books that were in my locker for my first class I walk in and sit down. I look around and the memories come back and flashes I then suddenly ran out of class.

I continued running. I ran out of school. I couldn't handle it anymore. I ran all the way to my house. I locked myself in my room I cried and cried and cried and cried. I was soaked from all my crying. I was still crying and it's been over 2 hours. I haven't stopped. I was home alone. My mom and also Tyler were out of the hospital though, but they just weren't at the house.
I felt alone.
I screamed.

I started crying 10 times harder than I was before.
Daniel: God I hate life. I hate it so much.

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