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(This is all basically Christina's POV from the beginning. Chapter is long.)

Christina's POV
I felt really bad for all of the shit that has been happening for the past few days. Poor Daniel has basically lost his whole family. His Mom and Dad Christian and Anna and possibly Tyler that's all his family currently it's just him and Tyler. I never knew Daniel could be so.......different. I bet though it's just grief of all the things that has been happening.

I was currently lying down next to Corbyn. I think everyone else was sleeping. It was currently 4:16am. The nightmare came back.

I was sitting eating lunch wondering where Corbyn was and talking to Gabbie and Anna.
I then decided to go to the restroom.
Christina: I'm gonna be right back I have to use the restroom
Gabbie: ok.
Anna: CRAP
Gabbie: what!
Anna: I forgot I have tutoring in A12
Gabbie: ok.
I was walking out of the restroom and heard the news over the speakers
I decided to run into classroom A10. I shut and locked the door. Turned off the lights closed the blinds. Locked the door to A09
And did my best to put some desk in front of both doors. And hid in a corner under the desk behind a teacher desk. Lucky a board was in front so no one could see me from under the desk. As soon as I was underneath the desk I heard screaming and gunfire.
I froze in fear and held my breath. I then realized Corbyn, Anna and Gabbie OMG are th-
My thoughts were cut off by banging on the door it was the shooter. Fuck Fuck Fuck. Don't come in. Don't break the door don't kill me. Omg. Please.
He jiggled the door nob and then started shooting at the glass. I flinched. From a crack of the desk I could see through the bullet wholes of the glass the shooter. His green eyes the gun. I believe it was an AK-47. I know that because of all the videos games Corbyn plays. Oh Corbyn I hope your ok. I love you. I wish I could say that out loud but the shooter is still at the door shooting the glass I started kicking the door. Oh my god oh my god oh my god. Please don't find me. The door broke. I heard footsteps in the classroom I stopped breathing. I didn't move I was completely frozen. I was so petrified I couldn't move anything. I could even blink. I didn't shake from fear my body wanted to,but I didn't it couldn't. The footsteps got closer and closer he was standing right next to the desk. Oh shit now in front he didn't see me at all. He started walking out. I still couldn't move. I waited about a minute and let out a tiny quiet deep breath out. I didn't know where or who he is but I don't want to know AT ALL. I heard more screams and gunshots the more I heard the more I thought about Corbyn, Anna, and Gabbie. I wanted to text them SO bad but I know it's not a good time. Plus if they are hiding and there phone goes off and the shooter hears it then they are definitely dead. 
I've now been sitting in silence in my own thoughts hiding and it's 2:45. This Lockdown has been going on forever I still hear gunshots and the screams of all the students and teachers, and the shouts of the shooter. I sat under the desk curled up in a bad silently crying. I was there for a few more minutes then someone moved the desk I was under then someone yell these words.
"GET UP AND PUT THE HANDS IN THE AIR WHERE WE COULD SEE THEM!" I was so glad when on he vest I was S.W.A.T Team. I immediately got up weakly and they saw my tears and everything
Man: she's clear to go follow me
I did as told in the hallway I saw so many bodies then I saw something heartbreaking Gabbies body on the floor in a pool of blood shot in a bunch of different places. She looked like she was running towards the bathroom. I then started cry again I whispered
"I'm so sorry Gabbie."
I had to continue walking I was finally outside. There were so many families, SWAT cars, police cars, ambulances, and firetrucks. I finally found my parents I started sobbing. Then I saw Corbyn with some others boys who was Daniel Seavey Anna's brother, Jonah who was the most popular boy in school, Jack Avery the bad boy, and the poor innocent Zach Herron with them but being being taken the opposite direction towards an ambulance. I ran up to Corbyn crying into his shoulder he started to comfort me.
Corbyn: I saw people get shot. He found us he shot Zach, but I'm ok. Are you?
Christina: yes I'm fine but terrified he broke into the room I was in but I was under the teachers desk he didn't find me. I saw Gabbie she's dead. Did you see anyone else you or I know?
Corbyn: yes I'm sorry
Christina: what happened who got shot?!?!?
Corbyn: Anna
I started sobbing.
I then looked at Daniel he was sobbing and crying into his moms shoulder. I then saw him run towards the ambulance that Zach was in.
A few minutes later our parents let us go visit Zach at the hospital. I'm glad he is alive he seems nice but no one knows his story. He always sits alone at lunch and class and runs out of school at the end of the day and walks home. Today was the first day we've ever talked to him and he's talked to us. He is really depressed and sad though, but he is nice and funny. Turns out he likes music just like Corbyn and Daniel and has two younger siblings Reese and Ryan. His mom died in a car accident and his dad is in prison for child abuse, selling and doing drugs, and alcohol. He was alone so I'm glad that all of us (Jonah, Jack, Zach, Daniel, Corbyn, and Christina) were all able to become friends.
Days later Zach was discharged from the hospital because Jacks family sighed him out and decided to take care of him and his siblings.
A few more days later it was Anna's funeral.
I cried a lot. I was glad I was able to say my last words though. I was a few people before Daniel

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