Motte: where it started

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March 2014 - His Truth

"I had enough..." He softly whispers as he avoided looking at her.  " The distance... the lies... I'm so tired with all of it."

He's been thinking about this for a long time.  This is not a spur of the moment decision and he knows that she knew at some point that this is how it will end.

"You saw this coming as much as I do,"  He said as matter of fact.  "You're a smart woman.  Everytime you call me and I tell you some crap for an excuse you never asked anything."

"I was waiting for you to call it quits." He admitted.  "But you never did! You never asked a thing!"

"Sometimes I'm thinking that what we have is a joke.  That I don't mean a thing to you." He chuckled. "You just don't want to be the one to be labeled as the one who left.  So while I was partying and cheating on you,  you don't give a fuck!" 

"Until now, I don't understand what happened to us."  He confessed while trying to memorize her beautiful face.  " I once love you more than anything but now... I don't feel anything at all."

"I'm sorry.... this might not be even fair to you." He chuckled. "You just saw me with a friend... would you still believe me if I call her a friend after yoi caught us making out?"

"I'm actually very drunk right now but I still know what I'm doing and what I'm saying."

"And..." a soft sweet voice started. "What are you saying Jiyong?"

Jiyong looked at her calm face.  Her beautiful face... a face that could launch a fucking ship full of fanboys....

He could almost feel how fragile her jaw is.  How she got the cutest nose and how soft her lips are....

He can still remember how much he loves her smell... her sweet perfume...

Her eyes that tells him everything... that enchants him.... that adores him...

He loves how she looks at him with love and innocence...

That's when  he realized... how much pain one can hold in silence...

This woman he once loved who stood in front of him with apathy on her face is hurting silently.

"What do you want now, Jiyong?"  she softly prompted.

Realizing the weight of his words... Jiyong could only do one thing... He needs to see this through...

He needs to make this happen like how many times he imagined this moment will be.

"I want out."  He softly said as he watched her eyes hold her tears.  "I'm sorry... but I think I'm no longer in love with you."

Smiling bitterly... she walks toward him before taking his hand.  As she full away from him and silently turn towards his door... he finally saw her tears fall and his world stopped.

Only when he felt the cold ring on his hand did he realized he finally did it.  He finally ended their relationship.

He expected tears...
He expected pain...

But what he never expected as he looked at the small piece of silver in his hand is the feeling of emptiness and loss.

He did the right thing...
But why does it feel so wrong?

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