Motte: His Bet

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"It's a great and sunny day.  A perfect way to start your vacation.  We hope that you all start your adventure with a smile.  Thank you for flying with Philippine Airlines and welcome to the Philippines."

As the business class were guided to leave the plane.  Dara was the first one to be assisted off the aircraft towards an exit being used by high profile personalities.

Normally people from the entertainment industry is not privy to this part of the airport but being the adopted princess that she is, she's one of the selected individuals who could use exclusive wing of the NAIA.

She's not with her manager today.  In fact she just filed a leave to YG himself and told him that she needs a vacation away from all that represents jiyong.

She thought it would be bothersome and will not be approved, but with just one look... YG agreed and ask her if she needs help with her schedule.

She finished everything that had been signed even if she needed to work until wee hours of the night just to make sure she got her time off.

She badly needed the time off.
Everyone who truly knows her knew that she needed to be away.

That's why after selling almost everything her ex boyfriend gave her, she decided to book a flight so complicated, the paparazzi that keeps on fillowing her will be confused if they try to track her down.

She honestly thought that she'll be fine.
She managed to work with him for the YG Family Concert.  They even took a picture together.

Given that it was Chaerin's insistent nagging which led to that picture but still she's the one who called him and told him they are taking a photo together and it will be uploaded in SNS.

She really thought they can be mature about it.

They were doing fine.
Until that last rehearsal when she almost fell and YB saved her.

Everyone was so startled that they didn't proceed with tge rehearsals until she's given the clear by their onsite physician.

It was actually still fine after that.
Only bigbang's rehearsal wasn't gping smoothly. 

All of the artists already went home but still bigbang had to remain because for some reason everyone was nit picking.

It was childish at some point.

After that concert everything went downhill.

It was during one of those meeting with YG.  They were updating each other of the plan for 2015 when YG asked where we are going to celebrate Jiyong's birthday.

Seugri was about to say Jeju when the great G-Dragon stood up and told us that he will be celebrating his birthday with his girlfriend but thank you for the thought anyways.

Everyone look at Dara when YB asked if Kiko had arrived in Korean which Jiyong responded with nod before leaving.

She put out a smile before going on and on with other things with Minzy.  She just need to say something to distract from the pain.

After that day, Jiyong and Dara stayed away from each other.  They tried their best not to be in the headquarters at the same time.

It was working until Jiyong's birthday.

It was a tiring day for Dara.  She wantes to work until the next morning but one of her commitments got canceled.  One of the lead artist got sick and they have no choice but to reschedule.

She was reminiscing some of the nights she spent with Jiyong during his birthday when she received a call.

"yeoboseyo?" Dara finally answered without checking who's calling at 11:50 in the evening

"Yeoboseyo?" She repeatedly tiredly when no one answered her.  She was about to end the call when her caller finally decided to speak.

"I waited for you to greet me today."  a familiar voice started.  "I got a lot of congratulations today but it wasn't complete.  I just realized it was because you haven't greeted me yet."

Dara had to put her hand on her mouth to stop herself from sobbing.  She wasn't expecting this at all.

"Dara-ya...."  Jiyong continued as his voice trembled.  "Jebal...just once more... let me know you're still part of Kwon Jiyong's world."

Dara had to mute her phone while she continued to listen to Jiyong.  She can't stop herself from crying and she can't keep her sobs to herself anymore.

"Nabi-ya,  you're still there, right?"  Jiyong called out at his tears continue to fall. 

"I kept drinking today." Jiyong confessed.  "You don't want me to drink too much right.  You always hated it when I drink without a care to the world."

"I should have listened to you, baby girl." Jiyong smiled painfully.  "We shouldn"t have been like this if only I did listen."

"Sandara Park..." Jiyong murmured her name.  "The only girl that the world refused to be labeled.  You will always be my untitled."

Dara was about to say something when she heard a voice... a woman she knows so well.

"GD..." Kiko called out before wrapping her arms around him.  "You've drunk too much again.  Who are you calling?  Is this the bet you made with Masahiro?"

'A bet?!' Dara's mind screamed as her heart shattered once again. 

She thought the pain she's feeling is the most painful of all.  But with only one word, she learned that her pain will be endless until she let go.

One word from Jiyong and she lost her heart again.

"yeah" Jiyong answered while thinking.  'A bet... A bet to have my life back.'

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