Motte: The Aftermath

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"Jiyong, let go man." He continue to tell himself as he watches her run around and play. "This is what you wanted, is it not?"

It had been a month since the last time they talk. It was a gloomy night for him.

After she left he thought he'll feel relieved that it's finally over.

No more lies...
No more sneaking around...
No more cheating....

He really thought he'll be happy.
He really thought he would feel wonderful... like fying for he is a free man.

But what he felt was beyond pain.
He felt like the world is closing on him.

The feeling of being suffocated, breathing without air, was too painful he felt himself crying before running after her.

He tried to catch her before the elevators closed but he was too late.

He could still remember how it feels like seeing her face drenched with tears while her eyes that was once full of life seemed dead.

He's the one who put that look in her eyes. He's responsible for all this pain he'd been living with for a month.

There was even a time, after drinking too many shots of whiskey, he saw her in one of her CVs.

She looks great and seemed to be unbothered by their breakup.

She looked so happy and he hated it. Picking up his mobile, his incoherent mind decided to drunk tweet.

"Nothing Special"

Another Dara Cv showed wherein she looked at Minho from shinee with mirth and he felt weak.

"You can't always get what you want" another drunk tweet.

It was days after and he saw her being dropped off by someone he knows she met in one of those music program.

She looks shy but pleased for whatever the fool, aka Kim Woonbin, had said.

After that day, the flowers, rabbit toys, food and a car ride for Dara was wide spread gossip in YG.

At first he didn't know how to react.

He felt confused.

He tried to resist feeling bad about it all and he somewhat succeedes until he saw him kiss her.

Less than a month and that Woonbin is kisssing his girl.

His Dara.

But like a twist of fate, he received a phone call from someone that reminded him that Dara is no longer his girl.

That night, with another drunken tweet, he wrote, "When I was your man."


"Hyung." Jiyong looked to his left and saw Daesung running towards him. "We were looking for you. Your leg is not hurting, right?"

After telling his band mate that he's okay, Jiyong looked straight again as he continued to watch her.

She's smiling again.
That's good...
but... won't she smile for him.

"Hyung..." Daesung weakly said as he watched their leader looked at the stage.... to Sandara Park.

Some of the artists of YG are playing tag in the stage as they try to complete some rehearsals.

Games like those are normal when they try to get together. It was like children in the play ground.

Haru, Epik High's leader daughter, is playing with Lee Hi and 2ne1 girls. He cpuld hear the little girls shrieks all the way to this section of the arena reserved for the technical team.

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