Motte: Her New Start

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"Dara-yah" Park Bom called as Dara sprinted fast ahead of the rest of 2ne1 towards another car.  "Where are you going? We just got back here in Korea, you really should take a rest."

"I'll do that later."  Dara responded with a wave. "I'll be sure to go straight home after the concert."

2ne1 watched as the black sedan started to drive away from them.  They were told about their schedule and they already knew about Dara's extra activity today.

"Chaerin-ah... I tried my best."  Bom said before walking towards their service.  "You can report to Leader Kwon that it will be the last time I'll do a favor for him."

"Bom-unnie..." Chaerin softly protested. 

"She's a little happy today." Bom continued.  "And I will always choose Santokki's happiness over anything. It was his decision that started this mess and if being miserable is the consequence, he hould really quietly walk this path.  Otherwise... he'll lose her completely."

"Chaerin ah..." Bom called out to their Leader.  "I know you are worried for him.  Believe me I am worried too.... but with all the photos of him and that girl from who knows where being released I think it is for the best if we stop meddling."

"Jiyong Oppa is not doing well... He's been hitting too many bars these days.  He's not even sleeping." Chaerin, aka CL of 2ne1 sadly muttered. "He called me drunk last night Unnie.... someone told him that she'll be going to that concert tonight."

Bom looked pointedly at CL before sighing.  "You cannot fix this for him Chae... He messed it up.  He hurt her... and not because he is hurting the world will stop to make it right for him."

"But Jiyong-oppa wants Dara-Unnie back."  Minzy called out from the van. "He's trying everything just to make her come to the office but Unnie is like a ninja.  She always dodges Jiyong-oppa."

"Bom-Unnie... Jiyong-oppa wants her back."  CL sadly muttered while looking at Bom. "If we want Dara-Unnie to be happy, we should help them to be back together."

"You may have a point Chae... Dara still loves him afterall." Bom could only shake her head when CL's brighten up.  It only shows that their leader is still a kid. " Too bad Dara doesn't want him back."



I don't know how many tequila shot I have taken tonight.  At one point I found myself drinking straight from the bottle while taking hits on a cigar being passed around.

These days my life revolves around my studio, bigbang and partying.

I party everyday.  I would go in tipsy and go home wasted.  The same routine everytime.

I know for a fact that I'm starting to get uncontollable.  I also know that Kiko, a friend that I keep hanging out with, consider what we have a relationship.  That may be true if you consider what we do.

We do almost everything that lovers do.  We hang out, we make out, we take vacations together... we f*cked each other...

But that is just about it...

We do things that I would do with any other girl. 

I can those things now with anyone who's willing and who I caught my fleeting interest.

I changed.  I know.

I'm no longer the Kwon Jiyong everyone knew.

I'm G-dragon...

and G-dragon doesn't do relationships....

G-dragon doesn't do commitments...

G-dragon doesn't do love...

except to one.

Except to Sandara Park.

Tasting the bitter taste, not from the alcohol in my hand, but from the pain of knowing the girl I love is getting farther away from my reach, I could only wallow deep in pain.

I tried talking to her. I even remember how soft hearted ahe can be and planned to appeal on her soft side. 

I talked to some friends, decided to take her back.  I even planned cornering her inside the studio and camped with her there until she give in.

But all the planning ended when she went MIA on everyone.  I was out of my wits when I got a call from a friend.

I was just told that she's in Palawan after selling her rolex to his girlfriend.  I was told she sold everything I gave her.  She used half of it to have a vacation in Palawan and half of it she donated to an orphanage.

That's when I realized she decided to cut me off her life.  I was afraid that when she gets back to Korea she finally had moved on from me.

And today... it finally happened.
"GD, my man." Jun, a friend from Japan called out to me. "I think we need to leave, I saw some paparazzi filming you earlier.  I'm sure you'll be in the news again."

"You think so?" I asked while staring at the brandy on my hand.  "Do you think it will be something like, Bigbang Leader wasted at a local bar or Bigbang Leader partying like crazy."

"GD, what are you saying?" Jun asked me worriedly.  "We really need to leave."

Taking the brandy in one shot,  I  stood up, taking shaky steps one step at a time.

'It would have been better if the news said  Bigbang Leader fucked up big time.' I thought to myself while imagining the picture of Sandara Park with Lee Donghae with Seungri's message.

'She said yes Hyung.'

'She moved on.'

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