MOTTE: Friends

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As part of his everyday life, words are one of the things he likes to play with.

It's fun to use words to convey what he wants in an entirely different way.

It's true that most of their songs are his own personal experience. There was even a time when his songs are love letters.

Funny how he remembers the feeling he had when he created those songs but when fame and fortune came his way, he forgot the very meaning of his existence.

He forgot his dreams.

He lost his ways.

There are moments when he still dreams of those days.

Those dark times when he didn't know what he needs to do in order to feel again.

Nothing matters that time.

No fame or success can fill up the feeling of emptiness.

Lord knows how much he suffered. 

Until now, he is still suffering, albeit a bit better than before.

Kwon Jiyong's dreams are simple. 
He just want to sing and dance.
Continue his career as an entertainer.

His time at SM was bitter sweet.
At such a young age of 11, he knew the feeling of wanting something but the future is uncertain.

And so when the management failed to debut him or atleast give him exposure, he decided to leave.

He still remembers crying over kimchi fried rice while promising to himself that he will never be part of that world again.

He'll just be a businessman and make their small Barbeque business the number 1 in Korea.

But then a new world open. 

Hiphop became his jam.
He could express himself more when he let his inner thoughts flow.

And since hiphop does not have rules, he can be rude but cute.

Then his dreams began to change its shape. 

Before, he wanted just to be part of that world of glitz and glamour.

Now he wants to be the best rapper Korea ever knew. 

That day when he saw YG's satisfied smirk and his uncommon rule of producing lyrics shaped his dreams... but not as Kwon Jiyong but as G-Dragon of YG.

Because unbeknowst to all, he decided to be G-Dragon the day he signed his name to YG's blasted contract.


"Hyung."  Kwon Jiyong's trip down memory lane was interrupted when Seungri suddenly appeared.

Jiyong stared at their maknae.  There's nothing new on his sudden appearnace when he least expected, but it's not common for him to stay quiet while looking crestfallen and unsure.

"What is it?"  Jiyong adked as he puff his cigarette.  "If you can't tell it to me, I'm sure Youngbae will listen."

"He's with Hyorin-noona." Little Seunghyun, aka Seungri, softly uttered.  "I don't think Daesung-hyung would understand."

"I'm listening."  Jiyong confirmed.

After a long silence,  Seungri faced the bustling city after releasing a defeated sigh.

"I think I screwed up."


"Tubby...." Sandara Park called out to the eldest of Bigbang.  "Do you have a moment?"

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