Motte: In between

960 17 2

"Noona is late again".  Seungri said as he sat down on the sofa inside their leaders studio.  "We'll be busy and this is only the few times we can hang out but she's still not here."

"YAH Seunghyun, Dara-noona is also busy." Daesung interrupted their maknae.  "It's not her obligation to be at your beck and call."

Jiyong continued to check the MR's for their concert while the Bigbang maknaes continue to enumerate the reason why Sandara Park should or should not keep them waiting.

As much as he is curious as to why the ever punctual Dara is late, Jiyong can't help but feel that it is better not to look into it and check.

After their "talk",  Dara started coming to the headquarters again.  Sometimes she comes to headquarters to eat her meals or to hang out at their studio.

Most of the time she hangs out at the gym but as a true entertainer, she can't stay away from the studio.

"Ji..." Jiyong swiftly turned around to check who got in only to see the worried face of Dong Youngbae.

"Chaerin called." Youngbae started. "She's asking if we can check on Dara-noona."

"Wae?"  Daesung asked. "Did something happened?"

"I'm not sure but Chaerin said it might be something to do with Donghae unfollowing Dara-Noona."

Jiyong picked up his phone to call Dara as he dashed out of the studio.  He doesn't care how this might look like to other people but he won't let Dara be alone.

He was almost out of hearing range from the rest of his band mates when he heard Seungri confirmed his gut feel.



"I'm tired of waiting for you Sandara Park."

"It's been years and I'm still here stuck to the idea that you'll love me too."

"I always tell myself to be patient.  That one day, someday... you'll see me too."

"I want out."

"I hope this will be the last time you'll call me."

"I need time to heal too."

"I'll be your friend again once I can look into your eyes without feeling the pain I've been living with since I realized you'll never love me back."

His words keep on repeating like an echo on her mind.

She can't say she never knew that he's feeling something for her.  She knows she's special for him but she never thought it is something that's hurting him for a long time

She thought it was just a simple crush, an infatuation, but it turns out it is something more.... much more.

He'll be entering the military and they decided to hang out. 

He wanted to go out for a drive outside of Seoul but she promised Bigbang she'll watch their recording before they all get busy with their schedule.

She declined and he bursts out.

And here she is... not even liking the taste of wine... drinking her guilt alone.

One thing is right though... she'll never be able to love him...  she doesn't know how... she's not capable to love anyone anymore....

"Mianhe Donghae..."  Sandara Park silently uttered as she weeps.


Jiyong watched as she cries her heart out.  He doesn't remember the last time he heard her laugh out loud. 

She had been suffering for a long time and he thought breaking up was the best thing to do so she can start to be the old crazy Sandara Park again.

But fatr is cruel.

He messed up.  Stupidly threw what they have which broke her.

He finally man up and let her go.
Be with someone that will care for her

She started to smile and a glimpse of her old self started to show again but 2ne1 got in trouble halting all their activities.

Her smile disappered again and her insecurities started to re-surface.

As much as he wanted to be with her.... to comfort her... he can only look from a far.

He become her shadow.

He can give anything if that means she can smile and be happy.

He can sacrifice himself only if she'll be able to get all the good things she deserves.

He doesn't care if he dies over over again as he watched her be happy with someone else if that means he get to stay with her.

He doesn't care for his happiness only if she's happy all the time.

He decided to silently love her only if she'll not be miserable again...

But here he is watching her cry her heart out.

Here he is praying that this time he can show her that he's all she needs.

Here he is, as he walked towards her, determined to do what is right for both them, praying that this time God give them strenght to weather all trials they will face from now on.

Here he is... ready to claim what is his even if it means loosing all that he has.

JUST one more... for the last time... Sandara Park... let's love again...

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