Chapter 4

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~~~Ashley's POV~~~

Last night was so fun. I really love The Nightmare Before Christmas! Although Damon probably is right I have seen it too many times but I can't not watch it! I mean it is my favorite movie! I stir a little and wake up on the couch in Damon's arms. He really is such a great brother. He really cares about me so much and I always know I can come to him for any advice.

I slowly try to get out of his hold without waking him and I am successful after five minutes of moving very slowly. I walk to my bathroom and strip. I turn on the shower and get in when it's the right temperature. I shampoo and condition my hair, shave, and soap up than I get out. I dry off than wrap a towel around me and walk into my room. I pull out a 'you twerk we mosh' shirt and some spanx shorts and put them on. I wrap my hair in the towel than walk out and see Damon still asleep on the couch.

"Damon." I poke his arm.

"damon." I poke his cheek and he stirs a little.

"DAMON!" I yell and he screams and rolls off the couch with a groan.

"you can't be sleeping all day! We just got here!" I yell and walk into the kitchen and grab a rockstar.

"but maybe I want to sleep all day." he says not moving from his spot on the floor.

"well you aren't going to because I will wake you up every time you fall asleep." he groans and gets up off the floor and stumbles into his room to take a shower. I walk into my room and sit at my desk. I pull out all my drawing supplies and a sketch pad and start drawing. I don't realize what I'm drawing until I look at it when it's done. it's a portrait of the picture on my desk of me and Damon.

"that's really good." I shoot out of my seat and hit Damon's head with mine on accident.

"holy crap you scared me." I say trying to catch my breath.

"no really." he says rubbing his forehead.

"sorry." I say giving him an apologetic look.

"it's okay. That is really good you know. You should take art at school." I frown and my heart drops at that word.

"s-school?" I stutter.

"yeah you're a sophmore you need to finish." he says taking a seat on my bed.

"but I can't go! School makes my depression and anxiety levels worse!" I say plopping on my bed next to him.

"ash I promised mom that if I let you move with me, you would have to go to school."

"b-but I don't want to go. I'll get bullied.." I say softly and look down.

"Ashley I know you don't want to go to school but you need to. I'm sorry, but you're going." he frowns and I nod.

"you know that if you have any problems at school you can always talk to me about them. I know what you went through. I've done it already." I nod, he kisses my head than leaves the room.

He sticks his head back in and says "by the way you start tomorrow." than leaves again. I groan and get up to look for some clothes to wear tomorrow.


I stand in front of my closet for somewhere close to an hour just staring at my clothes. I finally decide on some destroyed skinny jeans, one of Damon's blue and black striped jackets with a black tank top under, and some black vans. I put them on my bean bag chair and than lay down on my bed. I look at the faded scars on my wrists from last time I went to school. Not even Damon knows about those. And I tell him everything. I feel horrible from keeping it from him but it's something that I go to for help when he's not around.


I sigh and pull myself under the covers and try and fall asleep.

~~~Ashley's Dream~~~

"hey Ashley." my friend matt comes over to me and sits at the table for lunch.

"hey matt, how is your day going so far?" I ask taking a sip of my water.

"pretty goo- uh oh here comes Taylor." he rolls his eyes and I just ignore her. Taylor is the biggest snot in the school. And she loves to bully. Me.

"oh look what we have here. Little emo slut with her weird friend." she walks past us.

"leave us alone taylor." Matt mutters loud enough for her to turn around.

"excuse me?" she says in her normal bitchy tone.

"he said leave us alone bitch." I said standing up to face her.

"oh looks who has gained enough courage to actually talk and not cut herself." she smirks and my heart drops.

"that's right bitch. I know you cut yourself." she whispers and stands up on the table.

"Hey everyone check this out!" she pulls me up on the table and pulls down my bracelets and jacket sleeve down just far enough to see my fresh cuts.

"this emo slut cuts herself! How pathetic!" I rip my arm away and look down to see matt staring at me. I jump off the table and run. I run as far and as fast as I can. I never want to see anyone of these people ever again.

<end of dream>

~~~Damon's POV~~~

I am in the middle of making a sandwich when I hear sobs coming from Ashley's room. I run into her room and go to her bed where she is lying asleep, crying and scratching her wris- scratching her wrist? What the-

"Ashley sweetie wake up." I shake her and she bolts awake and looks at me with tears still streaming down her face.

"shh it was just a bad dream." I hold her while she cries and try to calm her down.

"I-it seemed so r-real." she tells me.

"I know ash but it was just a dream. Nothing happened." she nods and calms down a bit. I always did this when she was a little girl. This was always how I calmed her down after a bad dream.

"hey can I ask you something?" she nods.

"n-never mind." she sniffles and snuggles into my lap and arms. Soon enough she falls back asleep and I go back to making my sandwich.

A Tough Life ~ Damon Fizzy / Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now