Chapter 9

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~~~Ashley’s POV~~~

“This is not What it is

Only baby scars I need your love

Like a boy needs His mothers side!”

why is my phone going off so early?

“hello?” I groan.

“sweetie! How have you been?” I look at the caller id and it is mom.

“mom it is 5 am here.” I’m not good with before 6am phone calls.

“sorry sweetie, I forgot there is a time difference! How is California?”

“it’s good.” I feel stirring behind me.

“who is it?” Johnnie groans and wraps his arms back around my waist trying to go back to sleep.

I put the phone to my chest. “it’s my mom.” he nods and I get up.

“no come back!” he groans, I stick out my tongue and walk into Damon’s room.

“hold on mom.” I put the phone back to my chest and shake Damon awake.

“Damon wake up.”

“what? Is everything okay?” he wakes up and looks at me.

“mom called.”

“put it on speaker.” I put it on speaker.

“hey mom now both of us can hear you.” Damon says with a smile.

“hi guys how have you been!” she says excitedly through the phone.

“we have been good mom. Hey guess what?” Damon says and I look at him weird wandering what he is going to say.

“what? Please tell me it’s good news.” she says hopefully.

“ASHLEY’S GOT A BOYFRIEND!” I shake my head and look down.

“honey is this true?”

“yes it’s true.” I say nervously.

“honey this is great! Congratulations! Who is he?” she asks.

“he’s here right now mom!” I glare at Damon who is just smirking at me. I mouth ‘I hate you’.

“can I meet him?”

“uh, sure let me get him.” I say and walk out of the room and over to Johnnie. He is asleep so I’m not going to wake him just to talk to my mom.

“sorry mom he is asleep and I don’t want to wake him. We can video chat you sometime though.” I say when I walk into the room.

“oh that’s okay sweetie. Well I have got to go to work now so I will talk to you kids later. Love you and be safe.” we say our goodbyes than hang up. I decide to get ready for school since it’s about 6 am anyways. I walk to my room and do everything I need to do and by the time I’m done its only 6:45. School doesn’t start for another hour.

“Johnnie do you want to run to your place to get some new clothes?” I ask. He nods and we leave.

About 5 minutes later we pull up to another apartment complex that looks similar to ours but many more floors. We walk up to the 17th floor and he opens the door and we walk inside.

“welcome to casa de la Johnnie! Make yourself at home since I have made myself at home at your home.” I laugh and so does he. He then walks upstairs and I sit on the couch and look around. This place looks pretty comfy. There’s a TV, small kitchen where him and Bryan Stars do the Challenge videos, than down the hallway is the front door and a bathroom. And then stairs. I don’t know what’s upstairs besides his bedroom and bathroom which I have never seen.

“ready to go?” he asks coming down the stairs with his wolf hat on. I laugh.

“your seriously going to wear that to school?” I laugh and point.

“yes! Now lets go.” he laughs and grabs his keys, than my hand and then we both go to school.

<after school>

I need to wait for Johnnie by his car because he needed to talk to his teacher so he said he would be back soon. I am sitting there when I see him walking my way with a big smile on his face. I give him a questioning look.

“why are you so happy?” I ask getting in the passenger seat in his car.

“because I am going to take you out on a date.” he starts the car and starts driving.


A Tough Life ~ Damon Fizzy / Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now