Chapter 11

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~~~Ashley’s POV~~~

So, we are still in the car driving somewhere and I am getting very impatient. I am definitely not a patient person.

“jooooohhhnnniiiiieeeeeeeee….” I groaned.

“wwhhhaaaaaaaaatttt?” he groaned back.

“when are we going to be Theeeerrrrreeeeee???”

“sooooonnnn just one seconnndddd and here we are!” he says as he pulls into the parking lot of his apartments.

“you had me waiting for what seemed like ever just to bring me back to your house?” I ask and he laughs.

“nope. There’s something I want you to see.” he pulls me out of the car and we walk up to his apartment.

“what is there in your apartment that you want me to see?” we walk out of the elevator and walk to his front door and walk inside.


“HOLD ON! IM DOING SOMETHING!” ‘Bryan’ yells back from somewhere upstairs.


“Oh, COMING!” I hear really loud bangs upstairs and then down comes this guy wearing a blue aeropostale shirt and grey sweats with short blond hair.

“hello, I am Bryan.” he smiles and reaches his hand out. Holy hell it’s Bryan Stars. Why did I not see this coming.

“o-oh my god why didn’t you tell me I was going to meet the Bryan Stars!? I look horrible!” I slap johnnies arm and he whines.

“sorry about how I look right now, but I’m Ashley, Damon’s younger sister.” I shake his hands and smile.

“don’t worry. You look beautiful.” he smirks and I blush and look down. Johnnie wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him.

“my precious.” he says in golems evil voice and it creeps me out.

“I know that dumb fuck.” he says and Johnnie whines again.

“you two are so mean to me!” he whines and sits on the couch.

“aww, I’m sorry Johnnie.” I frown and sit next to him with my head on his shoulder.

“I can’t stay mad at you baby.” he smiles and kisses my head which causes me to smile.

“what about me baby?” Bryan says as he flops on the couch next to Johnnie and does what I did.

“I can stay mad at you asshole.” Johnnie says and pushes Bryan off of him.

“rude!” Bryan says and runs upstairs.

“wow what a weirdo.” I say and Johnnie laughs in agreement.

“so you two love birds ready?” Bryan says as he comes back down with a notebook.

“ready for what?” I ask and look at him.

“you now. We are going to do a live stream.” Johnnie says with a dumbass smirk and I slap his arm and steal his hat again which I took for like the whole day at school today.

“you asshole.” I say as he whines.

“where is the bathroom so I can fix my hair and look somewhat decent?” I ask.

“to the right of the front door, behind the kitchen.” Bryan tells me and I thank him with a smile. I walk to the bathroom and almost scream when I see my reflection. How could Johnnie and Damon love such a hideous monster?!

“oh my god.” I mumble and try to fix my hair and makeup.

“you look beautiful enough you don’t need to fix yourself.” Johnnie says as he wraps his arms around my waist.

“stop it I look horrible.” I whine and wipe my eyeliner off and take the backup eyeliner pencil out of my pocket and re-do it.

“no you don’t. you are way prettier without makeup.” he kisses my cheek and hugs me tighter.

“stop it!” I laugh.

“hey guys stop having sex and get out here the live chat already started!” Bryan yells from the living room and I get a very dark shade of red.

“oh my god.” I mumble and hide my face in my hands.

“come on.” Johnnie whispers in my ear and I shake my head.

“whatever.” he unwraps his arms from around my waist and I think he left but I thought wrong. He lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder and walks out into the living room.

“JOHNNIE STOP IT! PUT ME DOWN!” I squeal in a very high pitched voice.

“no!” he laughs and sits down next to Bryan on the couch and sets me next to him. I glare at him and he smiles and kisses my nose causing me to giggle.

“stop being so cute!” Bryan says.

“no!” I say and kiss Johnnie.

“eeewwwwwwwww aiwuefwei9buxha!!!!!!!!!! Stop!!!!” he yells and throws a blue m&m pillow at us. I pull away and chuck it back at him when he wasn’t looking and he turned his head slowly and glared at me.

“what are you going to do about it?” I ask and stick my tongue out.

“you bitch.”

“hey! Don’t be calling her that!” Johnnie says as he throws a stuffed ‘Kermit the frog’ at Bryan.

“guys keep being mean to each other the fans like it.” I say as I lean closer to read the comments people are saying.

“well they like it even better when you two are cute.” Bryan says as he leans closer too.

“awww they think you are cute!” Johnnie says and I blush.

“stop it. I hate blushing. And you know that!” I hide my face in his fuzzy hat and my hair.

“oh come on you look beautiful when you blush!” he fixes his hat on my head and moves my hair out of my face.

“you guys are some funny people.” Bryan says to the camera and starts laughing.

“what are they saying?” Johnnie asks and he puts his arm around me and leans back against the couch.

“’you two are so cute!’ Says kittiesmeeowww42 and ‘make babies already will you!?’ Says mrsbandandyoutubers69 .” Bryan says laughing almost the whole time.

“guys! I am not even 16 yet and he is almost 17! So no we will not have babies yet!” I laugh and pull my legs up to my chest and cuddle into Johnnie.

“yeah! We are too young!” Johnnie says and I laugh.

“im tired.” I mumble and Johnnie looks down at me.

“go to sleep then. I will carry you up to my room later.”

“but that would be rude to fall asleep during a live show.”

“then just take a nap and I will wake you up in 10 minutes.”

“I will just sit here and if I fall asleep wake me up.” I say and put my feet across his lap and snuggle my head into his shoulder.

“okay. I will wake you up when you fall asleep then.” I nod and close my eyes.

A Tough Life ~ Damon Fizzy / Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now