Chapter 7

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~~~Ashley’s POV~~~

Me and Johnnie have been having such a fun time today! Right now we are talking about writing a song together and then posting it on you tube.

“I think that would be awesome!” I yell throwing my arms up in the air.

“I knew you would.” he smiles. Oh god he is a-ttrac-tive!

“so what do you want to do now?” I ask sitting back down on my bed with him.

“want to watch a movie?” he asked.


“NO!” I hear Damon yell from his bedroom.

“pleeaaasseee Johnniee?” I do the puppy dog eyes and he blushes and gives in.

“yay!!” I jump off my bed and go to netflix to find it. I press the play button and lay closer o Johnnie than expected but he didn’t seem to mind. I smiled and sang the beginning song like I always do. He couldn’t stop laughing it was so funny.


“how have you learned every song in that movie!?” Johnnie asked when the movie was over.

“I watch it legit every day. If your going to be my best friend you need to be able to put up with it.” I say and laugh.

“GUYS GO TO BED YOU HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW! JOHNNIE GO HOME!’ we hear Damon yell from his room. Johnnie starts to get up but I grab his arm and he gives me a weird look.

:don’t go. Please.” he nods and lays back down with me and puts an arm around my waist and we both fall asleep cuddled against each other.


<next morning>

I wake up to the sweet smell of cologne. I remember I fell asleep last night cuddling with Johnnie considering I just woke up in his arms. I try and slip out of his arms without waking him to go take a shower.

~~~Johnnie’s POV~~~

Oh god I’m so happy I got to sleep cuddling Ashley. I wish I could do that every day. I think she is in the shower because she’s not in my arms anymore and the shower is running so that’s what im guessing. I walk out to the living room wiping the sleep away from my eyes and look into a kitchen to see an angry looking Damon glaring at me.

“what?” I ask.

“I don’t want you sleeping with my sister.” he said mad as hell.

“dude I didn’t ‘sleep’ with her. I slept in the same bed as her but we didn’t do anything.” I said raising my hands up in defense.

“oh don’t give me that shit Johnnie. I went to check on her this morning and you two were all cuddled up nice and cozy together.”

“Damon? What’s going on?” Ashley walks out in just a towel.

“what did you and Johnnie do last night?”

“nothing. We watched the Nightmare Before Christmas than we talked a little and fells asleep. That’s it.” she says innocently.

“fine. Johnnie can I talk to you alone really quick.” he still looks mad but not as mad. I nod and she goes back into her room and get changed.

He sighs. “fine. You are a good friend to me but that is my little sister. You hurt her you’re dead. Got it?” he said sternly.

“what are you talking about?” I asked nervously while scratching the back of my neck.

“dude it is so clear that you like her. And by the way you two were sleeping all cuddled up last night I think she likes you too.” that warmed my heart. Cheesy I know but it made me really happy.

“you really think so?” I ask with a smile on my face.

“dude I know so. Go get her. But be careful! She has never had a boyfriend before. Go slow and gentle with her.” he warns I nod then knock on her door.

“come in.” she says sweetly.

She looks out of her closer and smiles sweetly at me. She’s wearing a tight almost see through tank top and skinny jeans. She picks out a shirt and puts it on.

“hey.” she smiles and sit’s on her bed and grabs her phone.

“hey.” I say sitting next to her.

“so last night was fun.” I said while chuckling nervously.

“yeah. It was.” she smiled at me. Oh god I just want to kiss her right now.

“than do it.” and she kissed me. Did I say that out loud? Oh well doesn’t matter anymore I got her to kiss me! She pulled away smiling and went back to playing on her phone. I couldn’t stop smiling.

“come on lets go.” I say and grab her hand and walk out.

“I’ll drive today Damon.” I say just as when he was going to grab his keys.

“okay thanks man. Please drive safe.”

“we will Damon. Love you bro.” she says and practically drags me out the door.

“love you too sis. Bye Johnnie.” and with that I close the door behind me.

A Tough Life ~ Damon Fizzy / Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now