Revali's flap

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When are they supposed to be here ? I have been waiting for three days now. It took me fifteen minutes to go back home, so what's taking them so long ? I don't blame the Princess. At all. It is long and boring only because of Link. If I was her appointed knight, she would've done the whole kingdom by now. However, it's not like I waste my time. I practice day and night to control Vah Medoh. I perfected my ability to pilot the Divine Beast and I am ready to protect Hyrule from any harm now. I also practiced my archery skills and my new move I think I am going to call "Revali's torment" Or "Revali's hurricane"... I don't know yet.

No one wants to talk to me right now. I am not in the mood for this. Earlier this morning, a tourist came by and asked for help. He lost his bag and me, as generous as I am, offered some of my precious time to help him find his things. It didn't took me so long to find what he was looking for. But instead of thanking me, he said "Hey, do I know you ? Hey ! You are the bird sidekick of the great hero Link ! He is gonna be such a legend ! Good for you to be his friend ! I don't know your name, tough... have a Nice day, fella !"

 have a Nice day, fella !"

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... SERIOUSLY ?!? WHAT AM I !?! A SIDEKICK ? DOES HE WANT ME TO GRIND HIS FACE ON A ROCK ? ....*sigh* I have to keep my cool. But it really teases me. Just thinking about it, I want to crush something in pieces. I don't care if it's bad... Or maybe I do. I just have to deal with the fact that there are innocent beings in our world and that they don't deserves that amount of attention. If he dares to visit Rito village again, I'll ignore him. But.... Seriously I'm wondering : is it really how people see me ? A sidekick ? Do people have no idea of what my name is ? Am I not good enough ? ... I must push myself harder... *sigh* I am such a disappointment. I won't tell anyone about it. They would laugh at me...

People go away from me as I walk to the general store. They clearly see I'm raging. This event just gives me another reason to hate on Link. Because of him, I am forgotten; left behind. But it doesn't matter. I'm just a stupid sidekick after all... Just like a sidekick, I'll follow the instructions and everything's gonna be alright. I dispise to recieve any order from the Hylian champion, but I know I do it for the Princess and for Hyrule.

I was on Vah Medoh, staring at the clouds, eating my breakfast and trying to relax when I saw his blue tunic. "There he is..." The anger started to flow in my veins again. The breakfast is over now. The moment is perfect. He is alone, on MY flying spot. I'm gonna prove him I am the best and show him my skills so he knows my rank and my superiority. Plus, I'll tell him what I think. However, a good presentation je required. And I don't know how much time I have before the Princess shows up. No time to prepare: I'll improvise. So, I entered the scene with my hurricane :

"Impressive I know. Very few can achieve a mastery of the sky. Yet I have made an art of creating an updraft that allows me to soar. It's considered to be quite the masterpiece of aerial techniques, even among the Ritos." He doesn't seem to move at all. What ? Doesn't he think it is amazing ? Can he talk ? I'm gonna try to make him talk. If I taunt him a bit maybe it would work.

"With proper utilisation of my superior skills I see no reason why we couldn't easily dispense with Ganon."

He stays still. Argh. This boy is such a pain. I decided to go closer to him. Maybe I can intimidate him with my grandeur.

" Now then. My ability to explore the firmament is certainly of note. But. Let's not- forgive me for being so blunt- but let's not forget the fact that I am the most skilled archer of all the Ritos. But despite these truths it seems like I've been tapped to merely assist you. All because you happen to have that darkness sealing sword on your back..."

I looked at him another time. He didn't say anything. He wasn't even looking at me. I think I'm going to strangle him...Keep calm, Revali. Keep calm.

" I mean... it's just. Asinine." Does he even understand what I'm telling him? I say it's stupid to have him saving the world and he doesn't even care ! I feel teased, not taken seriously. I feel like an idiot... A sidekick nobody listen to.. I'll try one last thing.

"Unless... You think you can prove me wrong ? Maybe we should just settle this one on one ? " I'll tease him. Yeah. I'll make fun of him just as he thinks he can make fun of me. "But where ? Oh I know ! How about up there ?" I raised my with in Medoh's direction and then I said : "oh ! You must pardon me! I forgot you have no way of making it up to the divine beast on your own !"

I decided I had enough of this boy and I had better to do, so I flew back to Vah Medoh, laughing at Link. "Good luck sealing the darkness !"

It was pleasing to tell those things, at the end. I'm a bit disappointed he didn't react at all tough. It would have been fun. On Vah Medoh, it only took a few minutes before I see Zelda waving her hand to tell me to come down.

- How are you Princess ?

I gently kissed her hand to greet her properly.

- I'm good and you ?

- It could be worse, so I suppose I'm fine. You want me to lift you up on the Divine Beast ?

- Yes. I'll just tell Link before we go.

"argh... " I whispered. But she heard me. "Nothing. We can go. " I tell her I saw him a few floors higher and that I went to... Greet him ? She wasn't really sure about it. When we arrived in front of Link, I looked at him with "I'm watching you" sort of eyes and played the game with the Princess. "Hey Link. Looong time no see, might I say." He grumbled with a pissed face. This has to be the most pleasing thing I've seen in a while. Zelda stated : "Revali and I are going on Vah Medoh. You can visit the place during our absence."

I joked : "Yeah. The Princess and me have some... stuff to do so it may take some time up there :3 But don't worry, she'll be more than fine. "

Zelda looked at me :" REVALI." I smirked :" Nah just kidding. We'll be back soon." I took her and we flew to the Divine Beast. "See you later, M.Hero ! "

When we landed, she looked at my with some suspicious eyes. "What did you do to him ?" Crap. She noticed.*Sigh* I'll tell her the truth. I told her I tried to taunt him and that I made sure he knows I don't like him. She sobbed :"I know he is really enerving. I know that feeling of being weak when standing beside him. I feel like a failure when I look into his eyes... And on that sword. I know how you may feel. But don't be rude with him. He have a lot of pressure, too. So just try to ignore him, okay ? "

I nodded. Wow. so much wisdom in her saying... At least she understand a bit how I feel and she didn't snapped on me. I'll just try not to do it again, just as she asked me.

Me, Myself and I - English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now