The winds are changing...

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The Champions knew something wrong was going on. Mipha panicked even more. She was mad at Revali, but couldn't help to be worried about him. They had to find him. "Kakariko ?" Daruk suggested. But Urbosa knew he wouldn't go see Purah in such a state. " Maybe Rito Village ?" But Mipha knew where to find him. And so she led them to the Hebra mountains. It was the middle of the night, but they could not stop now. There was an emergency. They could feel something was odd and they could all b in danger. They had to find him as soon as possible. 

They got there on Horse, Daruk rolling by their side. Through the snow fall, Mipha managed to find his secret home. She felt bad, but at the same time at this point she couldn't care less about that. He told everyone her secret, and so she did. At least in her case she did it for his safety. 

"I hope he's there" Zelda claimed. "He may have been a jerk this evening, but it's not a reason to let him down." 

But what they found in the mountains was one of the worst scenarios they could've get... 

There were tons of footsteps leading to what seemed to previously be a body laying in the snow... Mipha jumped off Urbosa's mount and ran to to it  :

- His Feathers ! IT'S HIS FEATHERS ! They're everywhere... ! 

Zelda tried to comfort her : "Deep breathes. We must keep our cool. We all know Revali. If something happened, he wouldn't have let himself be taken over so easily." 

But the Gerudo woman entered the small house to see that everything in it was in a pitiful state. " Someone entered his house and did some ravage. Unless it was Revali who did it in a burst of outrage..." 

- No ! Mipha shouted. Revali cares for his stuff way too much to damage it in any shape or form ! 

- And.. How do you know that ? Daruk asked. 

The sweet Zora somehow flustered and looked away. "I know, that's all. He told me." She tried to hide it, but they could tell she's been to this place before and shared something special with him.  They just preferred to say nothing about it. She entered the room as well and checked upon his drafts, which were mostly teared apart. Her second reaction was to check on his Scarf Collection. " Purple, Red, Moss green... Brown, Oh thanks the Goddesses !" She managed to find The Orange scarf he once said he was quite attached to. she decided to carry them all and put them on her. "You look like a rainbow, Zora Princess." Urbosa said. "I know, but I have to protect them and find a safe spot."  The crew all grabbed few of these and she was left with the Orange one, which she was determined to keep. 

"Let's split and look for him then. There's no time to lose." 

Revali's Pov

Where am I ? I'm blindfolded. Pff. What happened already ? It's like in my dream. I must be in a sticky situation... 



"I know there's someone." 




"HEY !" 

- OH SHUT UP ! Argh. Dumb bird. 

Yes. I knew it. Someone's out there. Let's get them on their nerves... 

- Where am I ? 

- I can't tell you. 

Now that I try to recall what happened, I remember yigas circling me. 

- Yiga hideout ?

- ... H-how do you know ? 

I hear him opening a cell and getting closer to me. He mumbles that I'm perfectly blindfolded though and that it's impossible for me to see where I am. What a fool. 

Me, Myself and I - English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now