.Tenzin's Arival.

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I stood besides my mother, Grangran and Korra. We were all anxiously waiting my uncle Tenzin to arrive.

"When is he meant to arrive?" Korra fidgeted

"Tenzin will arrive when he arrives. Bison travel is not an exact science" Grangran said. I wasn't normally a chatty person, reserved I guess? Within a few minutes a large flying shape descended from the sky.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? " A young girls voice repeated. A buzz of excitement tatted in my stomach and before I knew it I was shacking with anticipation. A young girl slipped from the bison and walked calmly towards Grangran.

"Grangran" she said "I've read all about your adventures with Grandpa Aang. But I don't know what happened to Lord Zuko's mother" it is an interesting story. Yes I know what happened.

"Well Jenora, it's a very sad story.. you see-" she was cut short but a hyper young girl who rambled something aboit snow men and water bending. She then flew away on an air ball? Tenzin then approached us with a boy on his shoulder chewing at his head.

"It's lovely to see you mother, please help me?" Grangran pried the boy from Tenzin shoulders.

"Unhand me strange women?" He screeched.

"Milo that women is your grandmother." Milo just floted away... "kids this is your Cousin Zea" gran, Mother and Uncle Tenzin having a rather akward hug and Korra becoming exstatic to begin her airbending training.

"I'm sorry Korra." he sighed and looked at the ground "Republic City needs me right now"

"I need you two Tenzin!" Korra insisted. Tenzin sighed,

"let's go somewhere more private to talk" After Grangran, Korra and Tenzin walked away towords the huts i was left with my mother and cousins. The three kids lined up infront of us and staretd intently well Jenora was looking at the water pouch my mother had made me. if there was one thing that Grangran had taught us both its that you should always have water handy.

"are you a water bender?" Jenora asked i smiled

"yes I am" they all smiled and suddenly i got a bad feeling.


"SNOW BALL FIGHT!" Grangran had taken Pemma and Mum to our hut to rest and gave me the job of taking care of my cousin's. it's not like they can't hold there own though, spirits if they were ever kidnapped the kidnappers would either get their buts handed to them or they would return them with a big apology. Jenora and Ikie has formed a prtective wall and were making snow balls, that they would then place in a wind tunnle Milo was controling. obviously aimed at me. i was waterbending the snow into loose balls and throwing them in the direction of my cousins. I threw nine snow balls three each and i aimed perfectly. what? i am the grandaughter of Avatar Aang and Master Katara. the kids all fell back, silently. Worried i had hurt them i scrambled over the ice wall i had made and ran over.

"are you guys alright!" the fear ebbed away and it was soon replaced by terror, Milo had a wind tunnel and was grinning viciously.

"check mate" he said and i was blasted with about fifty snowballs. i flew back laughing my head off covered in snow.

"Gosh i wish you could come back with us" Jenora giggled holding her stomach, "it would be so much fun to have you on Air temple island"

"is that were you live?" I asked and the Kids nodded "well i bet no one taught you this trick yet!" i waterbended a ice trail, well more like a slide and jumpped on. i bent my knees and threw my arms back, i continued to waterbend and ice trail leading all the way back to the huts i jumped off out side my house laughing.

"oh oh oh that was so much fun! can we do it again?" Milo asked, I shook my head.

"I'm sorry guys it's getting late" the sun was slowly sinking below the line of the wall. "But I'm sure we can spend some time together tomorrow"

Their faces fell.

"Dad said that we won't be staying long that it isn't safe for him to leave the city for to long right now" Jenora said sadly. And suddenly I felt sad too.

"I'll write to you guys though! And I'm sure you'll see me soon!" They nodded and that's when my front door was opened.

"Dinner is ready Zea. Your dad's waiting for you kids" and sure enough Tenzin exited the hut.

"Where's Korra?" Curiosity got the better of me

"She went home" he said flatly

"She's upset with you isn't she?" I asked my eyes not meeting his.

"I'll see you first thing tomorrow Zea. Kids come with me your mother will want to hear all about your day!" They slowly walked away in the direction of the guest huts.

"He shouldn't be so hard on Korra" My mother said as I walked past her into the house.

"She just wanted to train" I said "all she wants to do with her life is be the avatar and help bring peace" Grangran laughed quietly.

"Quite the opposite of your grandfather. All he wanted to do was avoid becoming the avatar when I met him"

"Why was that?" I asked "isn't being the avatar what every kid dreams of?"

"Not Aang, he just wanted to be normal."

"But" my mother cut in "if he had been and he stayed at the air temple.. he would have died."

"So maybe Korra shouldn't be normal and follow her own path..?" I asked my mother said nothing and Grangran just smiled.

"She's going to run away isn't she?"

"What made you think that?" My mother asked.

"I just thought she's The new Avatar the next life of Aang doesn't that mean she has some of his traits?"

"That doesn't mean she'll run away" she insisted. Grangran gave me a slight smirk and bowed her head to eat her food.. almost as though she was hiding a secret.


Hey! I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to update I'm going to try and update more. But my life is hectic right now and nothing is garanteed. I hope you like this chapter. Also, once this gets going a few chapters updates may get longer and more frequent.

-Rose Xx

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