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Guess whose finally updating this.

"Oh! I forgot! The kings called for you lady!" Genny exclaimed, moving to get you ready, grabbing your hair and pulling it up into a braided crown on the crown of your head. She moved with such speed, you barely blinked before she smiled and was done. She began to work on your make up, but you realized that the middle girl hadn't spoken her name yet.

"Excuse me," you said, turning to the middle maid, "what do you want to be called?"

She blushed and looked down.

"I guess... Hope?" She said, smiling. I smiled back and nodded.

"Fitting for you as well." You smiled, pausing to let Genny get back to her make up work. "Well, ladies, I'm very proud to know your names now. I'm glad we met too, you all are very wonderful."

The three of them modestly blushed. Genny then helped you up, and walked you over to the closet to change into a new dress. She walked in for a moment before she returned with a similar style dress as your original sapphire one.

This one was a lovely light purple, with slight gold accents in mostly the skirt, and center bodice. You were helped by Hannah and Genny with putting it on, despite the fact that you had insisted you could have done it yourself.

Hope helped you put the matching color of satin slippers on your feet, and made you look into a full length mirror. You looked over your outfit in wonder, amazed that you could even look this beautiful.

You had always wanted to wear this kind of attire, the long full dresses of the past and the flowing feeling of it all. It filled you with wonder and admiration to the extravagant beauty the women of those times (or these times in this case) had.

Suddenly there was a knock on your door, startling you from your revelry.

"Am I allowed to enter, lady Y/n?" A male voice said from the other side of your thick oak door. Unable to tell who's voice it was, you looked to your maids, silently asking with your eyes if you were finished. They nodded, before walking to the door and opening it for the king standing outside. You were shocked it was Hoseok.

"Greetings m'lady." He said, giving you a bow. You smiled and did your best curtsy back.

"Hello your majesty." You greeted, your face slightly warming as he took in your dress and make up. You looked around for one of your maids, hoping for some emotional support or something, since you never had been that good with men, but the three girls had slipped out, leaving the two of you alone together in your room.

"Please, Y/n. You don't have to call me that. I'd prefer just Hoseok." He said, giving you an encouraging smile. You however felt conflicted. You knew he would be okay with it, but you were unsure exactly how his brothers would react to you suddenly dropping formality with one of the kings. You were sure that His Majesty Yoongi would be especially displeased.

"What about your brothers, wont they find that weird or offensive?" You questioned, looking down due to your awkward embarrassment.

You really weren't good with men in general, but this man in front of you was about a thousand times worse. He was handsome and charming, and his smile made you want to smile, no matter how worried you were. He was way our of your league and this was the second time he was able to dissuade your anxiety quite easily in this new place, and you were worried that you liked that.

"No, I would explain, plus it wouldn't be that odd since you are a lady." He said, suddenly looking away too. You wondered why, since you were sure being a lady made you only slightly higher than just a normal peasant.

"May I ask, what is my actual rank or true title here. You know I don't come from noble birth, so would I just be a peasant?" You looked back up into his handsome face, watching him think about it for a second.

"I suppose that's true, however, we shall announce you as a Princess from the far away kingdom of America, so it doesn't raise much suspicion." You nodded, agreeing that his answer seemed the best course of action. 

"Now, I do believe I came here to escort you to the rest of my brothers." He offered you his arm, which you gladly took, feeling a sense of excitement thrill through you, and yet comfort as you were guided by this man beside you. Before you walked out of the room though, he turned slightly to look at you, and gave a half smile.

"Might I add though, you do look rather lovely in that dress Y/n." He said quietly. You felt your face warm, thankful for the make up covering your blush as he smirked a little and escorted you out of the room.


So yeah I cut this chapter because the whole chapter was getting long and I felt I must update.

The Sixth chapter will come out soon.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!!!

I finally updated yay!!!!

GeekiePersonbe are you proud of me!? Was it a good comeback!?


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