1|| The night it all changed

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Third Person POV (Point Of Veiew)

It was a cold winter night in Riverdale as the girl next door made her way down the lighted streets. All the thoughts in her mind always left her alone on her walks at night but as soon as she came home they were back.

She didn't know what her darkness was yet or how it came to her, maybe it was her abuser of a mother, her rapist of a neighbor or her longing for that boy, jughead Jones, she never could have.

After a very long walk she ended up by the school that somehow looked like a prision at night.

-'' HEY! What do you think you're doing here?!'' a man yelled from the parkinglot.

-'' I'm just taking a walk Sweet Pea, no need to freak out on me'' she said back to the teenaged boy appering infront of her.

-'' Where's your jacket Cooper? You shouldn't be out this late without it, you shouldn't be out this late at all...''

-'' Look, I get that you don't want me to get even more hurt but I can handle myself. Even if neither you or Jughead think so.'' she talked back to him a bit angry. What was everyones problem with her being out this late? Yes, some bad things had happend in the last months but she could handle it.

-'' It's just that we don't want you to meet Archie, he ran past the school about 10 minutes ago'' he said with a worried look on his face.

-'' I'll be fine Sweet Pea. Oh, please don't mention this Serpent jacket thing again. I'll wear it when I want to.'' She said and with that she left and headed to the drive-in.

It was a beautiful place to sit and think these horrible thoughts. The thoughts of how she would tell her goodbyes and how it would play out. She might do it right now, it would be better if they just found her and no hard goodbyes would happen and change her mind.

She stood up from the wet grass and started walking into the woods behind the drive-in. It was even colder and darker there than in the moonlight. She sat down, her back on a tree, and took out her pocket knife. Before she could press it to her wrists she stopped, what would her last thoughts and words be? Let's start with the easy one, the thoughts.

All her life she has felt different somehow, all her life she has walked on daggers, all her life she has been in love with the beanie wearing boy but he never noticed or he did but didn't care, all her life she thought the pain would end and tonight it would.

Next part, last words.

-''I'm so sorry Juggie'' was all she could say.

Even tho he never felt anything for her they have always been friends and hopfully will always be but, always seems to end in a few minutes.

She took up the pocket knife again and pressed it gently against her pure white skin until she saw the dark red shade appair on it. Just a bit more...

Before she could cut her wrists even more and deadly she hear a screm coming her way.




Okey so this is the first chapter of my first real book, I'm from Sweden so sorry for the spelling errors. I try to fix them as I go but they always end up anyways. Please tell me what you thought of this part and if you want me to continue :)

Please go check out my instagram for more bughead stories @survive-riverdale

Word count: 620
~ Kajsa

Her darkness - A Bughead FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now