4|| If only...

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Betty's P.O.V

I made my way into the bar where I work during evenings called The Whyte Wyrm. I was about to go change into my bar outfit when I saw a middle aged man looking at me.
" What do you want? " I asked him with an annoyed tone, at first he didn't respond so I made my way over to him.
" I said, what do you want?" This time I said it more in a flirty way. He looked me up and down, smirking, and to be perfectly honest I didn't mind. Jughead had feelings for me for sure but both of us know that it would never work out.
" I want you baby..." the man finally answered still looking me up and down, stopping at my lips a few times.
" Sorry honey but I have a shift to get to and I can tell you have had a lot to drink so why don't I call you a cab, or your wife?" I said flirty. I know this man, not by name but I know him. He comes in here everyday sitting at the bar talking about how he is married to a awful person and he always ends up flirting with me and I let him, until I call a cab or his wife as usual.
" Or... I could stay and we could go back to my place after you're done with work baby" he said slurring on his words a bit.
As I was about to respond I heard an all to familiar voice...
" What the actual fuck is going on here?" Jughead scream angrily.
" Jughead, it's not what it looks like..." I said in a calm voice.
" I'll call you a cab handsome, in the meantime Sweet Pea here can help you out" I said to the man pointing at Sweet Pea.
" Fine but I'll be back tomorrow again baby" he said and kissed my cheek.
I walked over to Jughead calmly, grabbed his arm and led him out to the parking lot.
" Why would you follow me Jughead?" I asked annoyed.
" I thought you were gonna do something stupid and instead I find you at a bar flirting with an old man!" He yelled.
" Okey first things first, I work here and that man you saw is here every night! I was just about to call him a cab to take him home to his wife! Second of all, you have no right to follow me! I think you should just leave and don't come back, you don't want to be here too late..." I said to him with an annoyed/worried tone in my voice.
" How can I not follow you when I was the reason you ended up here Betts? Oh god, if I just would've kept my feelings to myself none of this would've happened!" He said sadly " Oh Juggie, of course it would! I have been working here for almost a year and during this year you have never even bothered to ask me where I'm going or how I'm doing, you have just assumed that I'm fine and it was first today you wanted to know how I was feeling!" I said angrily and pierced my eyes into his.
" Of course I have asked Betty! I have never assumed..." I cut him of quickly.
" Don't you even dare lie to me Jughead, I was just your happy best friend and those "feelings" you have towards me are just an excuse for you to deal with the fact that you never even bothered to look into my eyes and see how terrible broken I am!" I cried out " If only you would've told me Betts." He said hurt " Yeah but you were my best friend, I should've to tell you, you should've known" and with that I left, walking into the bar again.
He tried to follow but I just turned around and the look in my eyes told him a lot so he just went back to his bike and left.
Once I was inside I walked over to the bar telling Sweet Pea everything that has happened and boy did he think it was funny.
" Don't laugh Sweets! I swear he was about to cry!" I said trying to hold back the grin that was growing on my face as Sweet Pea laughed.
" I just can't take this Betts, he has never showed any emotion towards you and all of a sudden he wants to be the love of your life? That is just stupid..." his laugh died out as an all to familiar person walked into the bar...
" Mother?" I asked shocked.

Jughead P.O.V

After she left I tried to follow her but the look on her face was deadly and I wouldn't want to fight with here more when she had that look... As I was walking to my bike she made her way inside. I decided to look into the spring of the door to see what more she was hiding. As I looked into the bar she was standing there laughing with some dude I assumed was Sweet Pea. I could take her laughing with him and him making fun of me but as soon as she called him "Sweets" and he called her "Betts", I lost it.
I walked over to my bike and leaned against it as I made a call to Alice Cooper.
" Hey Alice, it's Jughead. I followed Betty today after school because she was acting weird and I found her at a bar named "The whyte wyrm" flirting with some middle aged man and some boy in her age as well. I think you should have a chat with her about her security..." I said to her over the phone. She made an inhuman sound, like a duck who ate a horse or a fish trying to speak, and then I remembered... She isn't gonna talk to Betty, this is gonna be a fight that Betty won't win.
" I'm on my way Jughead, and if she tries to leave... Stop her, at any way you can!" She screamed through the phone and hung up.
Holy shit, what have I done?

Alice P.O.V

As I was pouring up my cup of tea my phone started ringing, I took it up and looked at the ID caller. I had the urge to ignore it but I answered any way.
" Hello, Jug-Head" I said unamused.
As he started to explain I was boiling and I told him to keep her where she were and that I would come and talk to her. I never told him but this bar was like a second home to me when I was younger and of course my perfect daughter would going in my footsteps...
I drove to the bar and saw Jughead outside alone.
" She's inside but I really think..." he started but I cut him off.
" I don't care what you think, she is my daughter and I will deal with her how I want and there is nothing you can do anymore so I suggest you go home and don't even think of talking to my daughter again you hobo" I said walking into the bar.
I saw her behind the bar laughing with some, boy... As he saw me he stopped laughing and just looked at me, Elisabeth turned her head and looked at me with fear in her eyes.
"Mother?" She said scared.
" I'm taking you home right now Elisabeth! Consider this your last night at this bar! I yelled and dragged her out through the doors.
" Who the hell called you?" She asked me.
" A concerned friend of yours" was all I needed to say.
" Jughead?" She asked shocked.
" yes, at least he cares about you enough to tell me when my daughter is working at a bar when she tells me she's at Veronica's!" I screamed at her.
" So What will you do to me this time mother?" She asked quietly, I smiled lightly.
" You'll see when we get home darling"

Oh Jesus Christ... this was a fun chapter to write.
Anyways, after Sunday this book will be my priority and not my story on Instagram since this is much more fun and is more appreciated. I can't promise you a daily update but every Sunday will be a new chapter and maybe a chapter in the middle of the week to keep this book going :)
Tell me what you think of this book in a comment or dm me on Instagram @survive_riverdale
And thank you sooooo much for over 100 reads<3
Until next time my friends...
[ Word count: 1443]

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