3|| What happens next?

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Betty's P.O.V

He was kissing me, like for real. Jughead Jones was kissing me. And I couldn't be more happier.
We pulled away slightly so our noses were touching
" What was that for? Because if it's just because you feel sorry for 'The perfect girl next door' then don't even bother to kiss me Jughead."
" What? I didn't do that because I feel sorry for you Betts, I did it because I thought you felt the same way. But if you doesn't that's fine, I hope it works out with your mom..." after he said what he wanted to say he just left me in the Blue & Gold office speechless. Did Jughead Jones like me? Or was it just a best friend move to make me feel better? All my thought were interrupted by Veronica Lodge.
" B? Are you okey? Jughead just walked out of here and he looked really depressed." She said and I started to feel my eyes watering.
" He kissed me and I was at a loss of words and now he thinks that I don't like him and I might just have lost my best friend." At this point my eyes were an ocean of tears and Veronica ran up to me and wrapped me in her arms whispering sweet things in my ear, comforting me from this whole mess I just made.
" Do you want me to take you home?" She asked sweetly but I just shook my head no " I'll be fine on my own V, and if Jughead asks tell him that I was feeling sick " She nodded and I walked out of the Blue & Gold office to my car. The truth is that I wasn't really sick but I wasn't feeling well either because as you all can imagine, loosing your best friend hurts like hell.
~ Cooper household ~
When I got home I found a note in the kitchen written by my mother.

" I'll be working late tonight sweetie, there is some food in the fridge for you
Xoxo Alice"

I looked in the fridge and saw a banana and some strawberries, she really wants me to stay in shape...
I closed the fridge and walked back to my room and in to my bathroom that is connected to my room and took out some blades from the cabinet.
I've been self harming for like 3 months but it got worse when my mother hit me. I took the blade and made a few cuts along my leg and arm, praying that no one would notice in the morning and especially not Jughead. I know him so well that he would blame himself for me self harming telling me that if he hadn't made a move and kissed me or left me alone after this wouldn't have happened, but I would tell him that it would indeed still have happened. I would still cry myself to sleep, I would still starve myself bit by bit to please my mother, I would still tell him I was fine and happy and I would still cut myself.
After I cut I wrapped it up in bandages and went to sleep, hoping for a better day but boy was I wrong.

Jughead's P.O.V
The next morning I walked into school with my head down hoping Betty wouldn't see me. Why did I have to kiss her? Everyone tells you that hiding your emotions from someone can be dangerous and even deadly. But they are all liars! If i just would've kept my emotions in my head, Betty would still be my best friend and I would still be so unhappy with that. But it's better than not talking or even looking at each other.
" Hey! Jughead wait up!" I heard my ginger friend Archie Andrews yell from down the hall as he catches up to me.
" What is it Archie? I'm not in the mood." I told him as nicely as I could " Okey buddy, I don't know about the attitude but Betty is in the Blue & Gold office and she looks depressed, please go talk to her. I know you've confessed your feelings for her but you need to man up and take care of your girlfriend/best friend okey?" And with that he walked away. I decided to go and talk to Betty since she seemed to be needing a friend.
I looked through the doors little window as she had her sleeves rolled up with bandages on her wrists. I looked closer at her arms as she looked down at them taking them of but before I could see what was underneath she turned her head and saw me. She quickly rolled down her sleeves again and stormed out of the Blue & Gold's office.
" Don't you dare try to follow me Jug! " she nearly screamed at my face walking out of the school but as her best friend I don't care that she didn't want me following her. I run up to her and tried to talk to her but she just kept on walking away from me. I grabbed her wrist and she really cried out in pain but hid it quickly.
" What is wrong with you Jughead! I told you to leave me the hell alone!" She now screamed at me.
" What is wrong with me? I care about you Betty! That's what's wrong with me, but if you don't want me to care for you fine don't but I will always be there for you!" During my speech I never let her wrist go and towards the end my grip harden around her wrist and she looked at me with fear in her eyes. She has never seen me like this and I'm pretty sure she doesn't like this side of me.
" Let go if my arm, please Jug. It hurts" she said quietly and I looked at my hand holding onto her wrist tight as if she would run away from me any second.
" sorry betts," I started " but please tell me what has happened to your arms."
" I fell... Pleas believe me Jug." She said and my eyes softened " Like I told you yesterday Betts if you don't want to talk about it the don't but never lie to me. I can see when you lie because I know you too well." I said softly.
" I'll tell you when I'm ready but as for right now I need you to let me leave, I have this really important thing I need to do. I'll call you later Juggie" she said and kissed me on the corner of my mouth before running of to her car.
Where was she going? I need to know. I walked to my motorcycle and drove after her, not too close but not to far away that I would loose her from my sight.
She finally pulled over walking into a bar.
I parked my bike before heading inside
" What the actual fuck is going on?" I yelled at Betty while she was in the middle of flirting with some old man who hade had one too many shots.
" it's not what it looks like Jug."

So this chapter has been a fun one to write but also a difficult one.
I wanted to make an extra long chapter for y'all to thank you for 100 reads😊

If you have any suggestions please tell me💓

Follow me on my instagram @survive_riverdale for life updates on my insta story and memes, edits and an awesome au story called What She Wants💓

Word count: 1261

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