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cheez.whiz sent you a direct message
cheez.whiz: heyo

beebo.urie: hiya

cheez.whiz: i was wondering

cheez.whiz: what is a beebo urie?

beebo.urie: lmao

beebo.urie: my name's brendon and ig my nickname is beebo now

cheez.whiz: that's cute but urie...?

beebo.urie: my last name

beebo.urie: it's stupid, I should change it

cheez.whiz: you think yours is stupid? mine is literally my favorite food, how much more pathetic can it get

beebo.urie: lmao but cheez whiz is good

cheez.whiz: true

beebo.urie changed their name to punkjunker

cheez.whiz: ew

cheez.whiz: change it back

punkjunker: 🙄🙄

When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun {ryden kik}Where stories live. Discover now