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"I don't fucking think so!" a voice shouts. Ryan whips his head to the right and sees Pete and Jon standing there.

"You really think that you can fucking stop me?" Dallon laughs. "You're all so fucking dumb. Brendon, what do you even see in these peo—"

Tyler and Josh come up from behind him and pin him down while Sarah removes the glass bottle from his hands. "Yeah, what does he see in us, Dallon?" Sarah smirks, dangling the bottle in front of his face.

"Fuck you!" he says as he spits out blood. "You got glass in my mouth!"

"You never care until something happens to you, huh?" Jon says as he walks over and helps Tyler and Josh keep him down.

"Get off of me!!" he shrieks, kicking his legs around. "Get off!"

Pete helps Spencer up through the window. "When are the police going to get here?" Pete asks.

"In a few minutes," Spencer replies shakily, "hopefully."

"Holy crap," Tyler says suddenly, pointing to the glass shards in front of Ryan and Brendon. "You weren't kidding when you said there was glass..."

Ryan sits still in shock, not noticing the glass in his legs and feet. Brendon starts crying and no one can tell if it's of happiness, sadness, or trauma.

"Are you okay, guys?" Josh asks.

"I-I'm fine," Brendon says, wiping away his tears and giving a tiny smile. "Thank you, thank you so much, I-I'm so sorry I came back, I never should've trusted him, I—"

"Don't worry about it, Bren. This wasn't your fault," Pete says. "The paramedics are almost here. They'll get the glass out of your legs."

Brendon nods. 

Everyone stares at Ryan. He doesn't move.

"Ry?" Brendon asks softly from behind him. "Ry, are you okay?"

Ryan shakes in response.

Brendon slowly wraps his arms around Ryan, careful not to scare him. Ryan suddenly turns around and hugs him back tightly, sobbing into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry! I never should've said any of that stuff to you! I'll never forgive myself, Brendon, never. I-I missed you so much and I haven't slept in days, I'm just so glad you're alright. I-I don't know ho—"

"Shh," Brendon whispers, softly petting Ryan's hair. "I already read all of your messages. I forgive you. I know you didn't mean it, Ry."

"You...you read those messages?" Ryan asks. Brendon nods. "Were you the one who replied?"

"No, that was Dallon. I cried when I read your messages. They meant so much to me, you know. I think it was the only thing keeping me sane here," Brendon replies and then pauses, glancing at Ryan. "Oh, look at you."

"Look at me?!" Ryan exclaims. "Look at you! You have cuts all over! Did he hurt you before this?!"

"No, he didn't, thankfully. I'm fine, I swear, just...really scared. I'll be fine. I can go back to my therapist," Brendon says. "But, Ry, are you wearing my hoodie?" Brendon brushes the hair out of Ryan's eyes. "You have bags under your eyes. Have you been eating?"

"Yeah, Spencer made me eat today. Have you been eating?" 

"Yeah, Dallon would get mad if I didn't," Brendon replies with another small smile. "Ryan?"


"Do you really love me?"

"Wh—of course, I do! You're the best thing that's ever happened to me! I love you more than an—"

Everyone gasps.

When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun {ryden kik}Where stories live. Discover now