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tw//mention of starvation. please be prepared if you are sensitive to things like this.

there will be asterisks before and after that particular part.

spencerxx is typing...

spencerxx: hey is brendon doing okay?

ryebread: i don't know, spence

spencerxx: why?? what happened??

ryebread: i dont know he just ran away. he wont come back and he's already blocked me on everything.

spencerxx: oh my god

ryebread: he left a note and...do you want to see it?

spencerxx: yes. please.

ryebread: [image attached]

ryebread: i dont know what to do spence.

ryebread: i see it everytime i go into the bathroom and i feel so awful

ryebread: it's all my fault

ryebread: but then i apologized to him and he was a jerk to me

ryebread: and i mean....like...."george" level jerky

ryebread: he said my feelings weren't important and that he doesn't care if i end up on the streets

ryebread: he said he's living with someone happily and he doesn't plan on coming back

spencerxx is typing...

spencerxx: what the hell

spencerxx: can you send me a screenshot of what he was saying when he was being mean?

ryebread: yea..

ryebread: [image attached]

spencerxx: jesus christ that's fucked up

ryebread: i know

spencerxx: fuck..

spencerxx: when did he send this?

ryebread: two days ago


spencerxx: ry, have you been eating?

ryebread: ...no

spencerxx: fuck, ry.

ryebread: i just...i havent had the energy to do it

ryebread: i dont feel like eating

ryebread: do i deserve to eat?


spencerxx: this wasn't your fault!! AND EVEN IF IT WAS, YOU STILL NEED TO EAT!

ryebread: im sorry....

spencerxx: don't apologize! just please eat.


spencerxx: no wait. i'm coming over. are you at brendon's??

ryebread: yea..

spencerxx: have you told his mom?

ryebread: i just told her that he's staying at a friend's house...

spencerxx: goddammit.

spencerxx: i'm coming over there and eating with you first

spencerxx: but i know where he is

ryebread: YOU DO???

spencerxx: i have a hunch.

spencerxx: and i also don't think he was the one being mean to you. there's no way that was brendon.

ryebread: thank god...oh thank god...

ryebread: it still hurts but just knowing that it wasnt him who said that...i feel so much better...

spencerxx: i'm on my way. don't say anything to his parents. make us some sandwiches.

ryebread: okay...

When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun {ryden kik}Where stories live. Discover now