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Brendon's lips on Ryan's was something so foreign, yet it felt so right. He hadn't known how long he wanted to do this before he'd actually done it and it felt like a weight had been lifted from his chest. They both had chills running up and down their spines and there was an odd bubbling in their stomachs.

Brendon cradled Ryan's face in his hands as their lips continued slotting together. Ryan's hands found their way down to Brendon's sides. Their eyes were fluttered shut and they were more content and happy than they've ever been, despite all of the events that had just occurred.

Brendon pulled back and Ryan chased his lips with a whimper, reconnecting them; completely disregarding the others in the room. By now Ryan was sitting in Brendon's lap. It wasn't a sexual kiss; just something to assure their love. It was sweet and innocent but it was all they needed.

They finally pulled apart, breathing heavily.

"I love you, too," Brendon said, "not very platonically."

They both turned around to everyone in the room. Tyler and Josh were looking anywhere but them, Dallon was screaming angrily into the carpet, Jon and Sarah were squealing and laughing happily, and Pete and Spencer were smiling fondly at them. The lovers' cheeks turned red.

"Sorry," Ryan said sheepishly to the others in the room.

"Don't be!" Jon exclaimed. "That was long overdue."

"Was it?" Brendon blushed. "I mean, I've wanted to do it for a long time."

Ryan turned back around and stared at Brendon in shock. "Really?" he asked. Brendon nodded. "I've wanted to do that, too."

"Well, then why didn't you two do it sooner?" Spencer asked. They blushed more in response.

Ryan slowly scooted off of Brendon and observed the glass in their legs. "Does it hurt?" he asked. Brendon nodded.

"Does yours?" Brendon asked. Ryan nodded.

Just on time, a faint siren was heard from outside the open window. The ambulances and the police cars pulled out front. They put Dallon into handcuffs and ushered Ryan and Brendon into the emergency room.

They got stitches in their legs and when they all got home, Brendon and Ryan had to go to therapy. Dallon got six years in prison. School started a few days afterward and Ryan had to move in with Pete, especially because Brendon's mom didn't want Brendon sleeping with his boyfriend. They thought they couldn't be happier.

Little did they know.



When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun {ryden kik}Where stories live. Discover now