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tw//MENTION of domestic abuse

Ryan was sat at the dining table with two sandwiches. He was in the Urie's deserted house; Brendon's parents were at work, and his older sister was at a party.

He sat perched on his elbow and stirred his chocolate milk around mindlessly. He hadn't been able to think straight ever since Brendon left. He felt guilty sleeping in Brendon's bed, so he moved to the couch, but even then he couldn't sleep. His thoughts were so, so loud. They were pounding against his brain.

The door swings open and startles Ryan. He dumps his chocolate milk on himself. "Oh," Ryan says, his voice already cracking. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you saying sorry to yourself?" Spencer says, sitting across from Ryan. He leaned toward the cabinet and grabbed a towel. "Here. Use this."

"I-I don't know," he says quietly, dabbing his hoodie with the towel.

"Are you wearing Brendon's hoodie?" Spencer asks, pushing Ryan's plate toward him. Ryan nods and takes a bite of his sandwich. "Is that why you said sorry? Because you thought he'd be upset that you dumped that on his clothes?"

Ryan nods again, taking another bite of his sandwich. "It's hi-is favorite hoodie...he wore it all the time..." he says as a tear slipped down his cheek. He quickly wipes it away.

"Dude," Spencer says quietly. He sits up and walks over to Ryan and wraps him in a big, warm hug. Ryan sobs violently into his shoulder. "It's okay, Ry. We'll find him."

"Where is h-he?" Ryan asks, his voice muffled by Spencer's shirt.

"So...you know his ex that he mentioned in that letter?" Spencer asks, still hugging him.

"Yes," Ryan replies immediately. "I read it every day."

Spencer sighs. "Well, that's not good. You shouldn't do that. Where is it?"

Ryan lets go of Spencer and digs in his pocket. "Here," he says and hands it to Spencer. Spencer rereads it and sighs.

"His ex is Dallon Weekes," he begins, shaking his head sadly. "Dallon types and talks exactly how 'Brendon' was when he was being mean to you. Bren must've gone to Dallon's house."

"W-why would he go to his house if he was the problem?" Ryan asks, taking the note. Spencer yanks it back.

"You don't need this," he says. "Dallon is a manipulative freak. He must've persuaded Brendon into trusting him."

"Do you know where he lives?" Ryan asks, looking at Spencer with hope. "Please tell me you know where he is..."

"I do," Spencer replies. "I've had to pick Brendon up from there many times after he got a black eye or bruise or something..."

"Oh, god," Ryan croaks. "What if he already hit him? We have to go there right now, Spencer. I can't stay here knowing he could be hurt."

"We'll go right after you finish your sandwich. Then, we-"

Ryan stuffs the sandwich into his mouth and chews violently. Then, he picks up Spencer's sandwich and eats it too.

"Please, let's go," Ryan begs as Spencer stares at him, "please."

"Okay, we'll take my car. Let's go," Spencer says, still shocked. "You really care about him, don't you?"

"More than anything," Ryan promises. 

They walk out to his car.

"Do you love him?" Spencer asks quietly as they get in.

Ryan stares at Spencer. "Look at me," Ryan says, pointing to the bags under his eyes, his ruffled hair, and Brendon's stained lavender hoodie, "what do you think my answer is?"

"Wait, you love..." Spencer pauses. "Wait."

"I love him more than anything and I fucking want him back, so just take me to Dallon's house so I can beat the shit out of him."

"Just wait until you see him," Spencer whispers, "and, I mean, you're obviously not in the best shape to fight right now. Maybe you should stay in the car while I-"

"No!" Ryan shouts. "Just go. I can handle this. I need to save him. Please."


Spencer starts his car and they pull out of the driveway and down the road.

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