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tw//blood, abuse (yikes sorry, i think it might not be as bad as it sounds)

Dallon opens the window and stares at them darkly. "Didn't I tell you two to leave?"

"Um, yeah, but—"

"Didn't I tell you two to leave?" he repeats, cutting Ryan off.

Spencer stares at Dallon with horror. It's obvious that he's just as scared of him as Brendon is. Ryan feels alone. He has no idea how scary Dallon can really be; sure, he's already truly terrified of him from what he just witnessed, but he doesn't know all of the details. Spencer is frozen and Ryan can faintly hear the dispatcher on the phone saying, "hello?"

"Y-yes, you did," Ryan replies cautiously.

Dallon sighs loudly and slowly reaches out and takes Spencer's phone. "Hello?" he says into the phone, his face red with anger.

"Hello, sir. I'm still here. The paramedics will arrive very soon, please remain calm," the dispatcher replies. Dallon's grip on the phone gets noticeably tighter.

"I'M NOT GOING BACK THERE!" he shouts, throwing the phone out the window, right beside Ryan and Spencer. It shatters just like Brendon's did. "Who do you think you are? Who the hell do you think you are?!"

Spencer continues staring at his broken phone.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" Ryan replies, tears stinging his eyes. Spencer gasps. "He's...he's a human! You have no right to treat anyone like that! E-especially Brendon!"

Dallon leaned out the window, dangerously close to Ryan's face. He points an accusing finger at him. "The last thing I heard, you bullied Brendon! He came to me for support!"

"I didn't! I said the wrong thing, okay? I would never hurt him intentionally. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me, I could never—"

"Yeah, yeah! I already read your dumb messages to him. But the point is, he came to me. He wants me. He doesn't like you anymore. Didn't you see his messages back to you? He said that he didn't care about you!" Dallon snarls.

"There was no way in hell that was Brendon!" Ryan shouts. "Why don't you just admit that you're a psychopath and let him go?!"

"Do you hear him protesting?" Dallon asks, gesturing to Brendon in the corner, whose covering his face with his hands. There are cuts all up his leg. He hasn't even opened his eyes to see Ryan and Spencer there yet.

"Well—!" Ryan abruptly heaves himself up and into the room, pushing past Dallon. He runs over to Brendon. "Brendon! Brendon, it's me! Ryan!"

"Ryan, no! Come back!" Spencer shrieks.

Ryan ignores him and crouches down in front of Brendon, prying his shaky hands off of his eyes. He doesn't even care about the glass cutting his legs. Brendon hesitantly opens his eyes and sees Ryan crying and smiling at him brightly. "It's me, Bren."

Brendon smiles back and squeezes Ryan's hands, too shocked to say anything. His expression suddenly changes completely as he stares behind Ryan.

"RYAN!" Spencer shouts, trying to squeeze himself into the window, but failing.

Ryan turns around quickly and sees Dallon looming over him, his face etched up in a wicked smile. He holds a glass bottle high in the air. Ryan's whole body turns cold and he could practically feel the color draining from his face. It was like his father. He was in complete shock. He couldn't move.

"R-Ry," Brendon croaks, shaking Ryan's arm. "Ry! C'mon!"

He remained still.

"You don't disobey me, Ross," Dallon growls. His voice doesn't even sound like his own.

He slowly raises the bottle.

When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun {ryden kik}Where stories live. Discover now